Unit symbols are given in [brackets]
- Acceleration
- Angle
- Area
- Area Moment of Inertia
- Capacitance
- Catalytic Activity
- Conductance
- Current
- Data Rate
- Density
- Electric Charge
- Electromotive Force, Voltage difference
- Energy
- Energy per unit mass
- Energy per unit volume
- Flow
- Force
- Frequency
- Heat
- Heat flow rate
- Heat flux
- Heat generation per unit mass
- Heat generation per unit volume
- Heat transfer coefficient
- Hydraulic Gradients
- Inductance
- Information Storage
- Length
- Luminous Emittance (Illuminance)
- Luminous Flux
- Luminous Intensity
- Luminous Intensity Density
- Magnetic Flux
- Magnetic Flux Density
- Magnetic Force
- Magnitude of a Physical Quantity (Power or intensity relative to a specified or implied reference level)
- Mass (Weight)
- Mass (Weight) flow rate
- Mass (Weight) per unit Area
- Mass (Weight) per unit Length
- Mass (Weight) per unit Volume
- Molar
- Mole
- Moment, Torque
- Moment of Inertia
- Nautical Measure
- Power
- Power per unit area
- Pressure
- Radioactivity
- Radiation, Absorbed Dose
- Radiation, Exposure
- Radiation, Dose Equivalent
- Resistance, electrical
- Rotation
- Section Modulus
- Sound pressure level
- Specific Energy - mass
- Specific Energy - volume
- Specific heat
- Specific volume
- Stress
- Surveyor's Measure
- Temperature
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermal diffusivity
- Thermal expansion
- Thermal resistance
- Thermal resistivity
- Time
- Torque, Moment
- Velocity, speed
- Viscosity dynamic, absolute
- Viscosity kinematic
- Volume
- Volume flow
- Volume per unit length
- Weight
- Work
How to Convert between Units?
You can convert between units by using cross-multiplication .
- Unit Factor Converting
Example - How many meter water column is 2000 Pa ?
From the Pa line in the pressure section in this page 1 Pa = 1.020x10-4 m H2O . A cross-multiplication for the conversion can be expressed as:
x / (2000 Pa) = (1.020x10-4 m H2O) / (1 Pa)
x = (2000 Pa) (1.020x10-4 m H2O) / (1 Pa)
= 0.204 m H2O
Example - How many square feet is is 132 square miles ?
From the first line in the area section in this page 1076.39 sq ft = 3.86102x10 -5 sq mi. A cross-multiplication for the conversion can be expressed as:
x / (132 sq mi) = ( 1076.39 sq ft ) / ( 3.86102x10 -5 sq mi )
x = (132 sq mi) ( 1076.39 sq ft ) / ( 3.86102x10 -5 sq mi )
= 3679946750 sq ft
Cross-Multiplication Calculator
The default values are from the first example above.
x / = /
Unit symbols are given in [brackets]
foot/second2[ft/s2], metre/second2[m/s2], galileo = gal = centimeter/second2[Gal] = [cm/s2], inch/second2[in/s2], standard gravity [g0 ], kilometer per hour/second [kph/s], miles per hour/second [mph/s]
- 1 m/s2= 3.28084 ft/s2= 100 cm/s2= 39.37 inch/s2
- 1 ft/s2= 0.3048 m/s2= 30.48 cm/s2= 30.48 Gal
- 1 g0 = 9.80665 m/s2= 32.17405 ft/s2 = 386.1 in/s2= 35 kph/s = 22 mph/s
arc minute = minute of arc [arcmin], arc second = second of arc [arcs], circle = circumference [CC]=[CIRC]=[circum] = revolution [rev] = turn [tr], degree [°]=[deg], gradian [grad]=gon [ g ]= [gon], milliarcsecond [mas], quadrant [quadrant], radian [rad], sign [sign],
- 1 arcmin = 60 arcs = 1°/60 = 0.016667 ° = 0.018519 gon = 0.00004630 rev = 0.00029089 rad
- 1 arcs = 1 arcmin/60 = 0.016667 arcmin = 1°/3600 = 0.27778 x10-3 ° = 0.3086 x10-3 gon = 4.848x10-6 rad = 0.772 x10-6 rev
- 1 circum = 1 rev = 1 tr = 2π rad = 6.28319 rad = 360° = 400 g = 12 signs = 21600 arcmin
- 1 ° = 1 deg = 60 arcmin = 3600 arcs = 1.11111 gon = 1 rev/360 = 0.002778 rev = 1 sign/30 = 0.03333 sign = 1 quadrant/90 = 0.011111 quadrant
- 1 grad = 1 gon = 1 g = 1 rev/400 = 0.0025 rev = 0.9 ° = 54 arcmin
- 1 quadrant = 90° = 100 gon = 3 sign = 1 rev/4 = 0.25 rev = 5400 arcmin = 1.570796 rad
- 1 rad (planar angle) = 1 circum/2π = 0.159155 circum = 0.15915 rev = 57.29578 ° = 57.29578 deg = 63.662 g = 63.662 gon = 3437.75 arcmin = 0.63662 quadrant = 206265 arcs
- 1 rev = 1 tr = 1 circum = 2π rad = 6.28319 rad = 360° = 400 g = 12 signs = 21600 arcmin
- 1 sign = 30° = 1800 arcmin = 33.333 gon = 0.3333 quadrant = 0.523599 rad =0.083333 rev
Solid angle [Ω]
hemisphere [hemisphere], solid angle [Ω], square degree [deg2]=[(°)2]=[sq deg], square radian [sq rad]= steradian [sr], millisteradians [msr],
- 1 hemisphere = 6.28319 sr = 20626.52 deg2= 0.4999992042 Ω
- 1 deg2= (π/180)2sr = 3.0462 x10-4 sr = 0.30462 msr
- 1 Ω = 2.000003183 hemisphere = 12.5664 sr = 41253.11457 deg2
- 1 sr = (180/π)2deg2= 3282.8 deg2= 0.1591 hemispheres
acre [ac], are [a], arpent [arpent], barn [b], centiare [ca], circular inch [circ in], circular mil [cmil], hectare[ha], kanal [kanal], marla [marla], rood [ro], section [section], square centimeter [cm2], square foot [sq ft]=[ft2], square inch [sq in]= [in2],square kilometer [km2], square metre [m2], square mile = section [sq mi]= [mi2], square mil=square thou [sq mil]=[mil2]=[th2], square millimeter [mm2], square yard [sc yd]=[yd2], square rod=pole=perch [sq rd]=[rd2], township, yardland
- Area Unit Converter
- 1 a = 0.024711 ac (Int) = 1076.39 sq ft = 100 m2= 3.86102x10 -5 sq mi = 119.599 sq yd
- 1 ac = 1 sq mi/640 = 0.404686 ha = 4046.86 m2= 43560.174 sc ft (Int) = 43560 sc ft (US Survey) = 4840 sc yd = 40.46873 a
- 1 arpent = about 0.8448 ac = 3439.1 m2= 36800 ft2= 4088.9 yd2
- 1 b = 1x10 -24 cm2= 1x10-28 m2= 1.55x10-19 th2
- 1 ca = 0.01 a = 10.764 sq ft = 1550 sq in = 1 m2= 1.19599 sq yd
- 1 circ in = 0.7854 in2= 506.71 mm2= 5.067 cm2
- 1 cmil = 1x10-6 circ in = 0.7854 mil2= 5.06707x10-6 cm2= 7.85398x10 -7 sq in = 0.000507 mm2
- 1 cm2= 10-4 m2= 100 mm2= 0.155 in2= 0.1974 circ in
- 1 ft2= 144 in2= 1yd2/9 = 0.1111 yd2= 0.0929 m2= 3.587x10-8 mi2
- 1 ha = 100 a = 10000 m2= 1x10 8 cm2= 2.471 ac = 107639.1 sq ft = 0.00386 sq mi = 395.367 sq rd
- 1 in2= 1 ft2/144 = 6.944x10-3 ft2= 1x106 th2= 645.2 mm2= 6.452 cm2= 6.452x10-4 m2= 7.716x10-4 yd2= 2.491x10 -10 mi2
- 1 kanal (Imperial) = 1 ac/8 = 20 marla = 650 yd2= 5400 ft2= 505.857 m2
- 1 km2= 102ha2= 106 m2= 10 10 cm2= 10 12 mm2
- 1 m2= 1550 in2= 10.764 ft2= 1.1968 yd2= 3.861x10 -7 mi2
- 1 marla (Imperial=Pakistani=Indian, big) = 1 rd2= 1 ac/160 = 0.00625 ac = 1 kanal/20 = 0.05 kanal = 30.25 yd2= 25.2929 m2= 272.25 ft2= 1.211 marla (Indian)
- 1 marla (Indian = Pakistani, small) = 25 yd2= 225 ft2= 20.903 m2= 0.826 marla (Pakistani)
- 1 mi2= 1 section = 2.590x106 m2= 0.4015x10 10 in2= 2.788x107 ft2= 3.098x106 yd2=640 ac
- 1 mil2= 1 th2= 1x10-6 in2= 1.2732 cmil = 0.0006452 mm2
- 1 mm2= 0.01 cm2 = 1x10-6 m2=0.00155 in2= 1550 th2
- 1 rd2= 1 marla Pakistani = 1 sq perch = 30¼ sq yd = 25.2928 m2= 1/160 ac
- 1 ro = 1 ac/4 = 1011.5 m2= 40 sq rd = 40 sq perches
- 1 section = 1 sq mi = 2.59 106 m2= 2.59 km2= 259 ha = 3.0976 106 sq yd = 640 ac
- 1 th2= 1 mil2= 1x10-6 in2= 1.2732 cmil = 0.0006452 mm2
- 1 township = 36 sq mi = 23040 ac = 36 section = 9.3239 107 m2= 9324 ha = 93.24 km2
- 1 yardland = ~30 ac = ~1.2x105 m2
- 1 yd2= 9 ft2= 1296 in2= 0.3228x10-6 mi2= 0.8361 m2
- 1 ho-ri = 15.42 km2 = 5.9637 sq mi
- 1 jo = 0.5 tsubo = 1.65289 m2= 17.7916 ft2
- 1 se = 30 tsubo = 60 jo = 99.17 m2= 1067.5 ft2
- 1 tsubo = 1 bu = 1 se/30 = 3.306 m2= 35.5832 ft2
- 1 kwadr. archin = 0.5058 m2= 5.44439 ft2
- 1 kwadr. saschen = 4.5522 m2= 48.9995 ft2
- 1 dessjatine = 10925 m2= 2.6963 ac
- 1 kwadr. werst = 1.138 km2= 281.206 ac
Area Moment of Inertia
- 1 cm4 = 10-8 m4 = 104 mm4
- 1 in4 = 4.16x105 mm4 = 41.6 cm4
farad [F] = [s4 A2/m2kg]
- 1 F = 1000 mF = 106 μF = 109 nF
Catalytic Activity
- 1 kat = 1 mol/s = 106 μmol/s = 3600 mol/h
abmho [abmho] = absiemens [abS] = gigasiemens [GS], picosiemens [pS], siemens [S] = mho [mho], statmho [statmho]
- 1 abmho = 1 abS = 1 GS = 1000 megamho = 1 x109 mho = 1 x109 S = 8.98755 x10 20 statmho
- 1 pS = 1x10-12 S
- 1 S = 1 mho = 1 x10-9 GS
- 1 statmho = 1.112650 pS = 1.112650 x10-12 S = 1.112650 x10-12 mho
abampere [aA] = biot [biot], ampere [A], coulomb/second [C/s], coulomb (international)/second [C(Int)/s], faraday (chemical)/second [F(chem)/s], microampere [μA], milliampere [mA], statampere [statA],
- 1 abA = 1 biot = 10 A = 1.03638x10-4 F(chem)/s = 2.99792x10 10 statA = 10.00165 C(Int)/s
- 1 A = 0.1 abA = 1 C/s = 1.000165 A (Int) = 1.000165 C(Int)/sec = 1.03638x10 -5 F(chem)/s = 1x106 μA = 1000 mA = 2.99792x109 statA
- 1 A(Int) = 0.99985 A
- 1 biot = 1 abA = 10 A = 1.03638x10-4 F(chem)/s = 2.99792x10 10 statA = 10.00165 C(Int)/s
- 1 C(Int)/s = 0. 999835 C/s = 0.999835 A
- 1 C/s = 1.000165 C(Int)/s = 1 A = 1.03638x10 -5 F(chem)/s = 2.99792x109 statA
- 1 F(chem)/s = 96489.984 A
- 1 μA = 1 x10-6 A
- 1 mA = 1 x10-3 A
- 1 statA = 3.336 x10 -10 A
Data Rate
- 1 baud = 1 bps = 0.125 bytes/s
kilogram/cubic metre [kg/m3 ] = gram/liter [g/l], kilogram/liter [kg/l] = gram/cubic centimetre [g/cm3 ]= ton(metric)/cubic metre [t/m3 ], once/gallon(US liquid) [oz/gal(US liq)] pound/cubic inch [lb/in3 ], pound/cubic foot [lb/ft3 ], pound/gallon(UK) [lb/gal(UK)], pound/gallon(US liquid) [lb/gal(US liq)], slug/cubic foot [sl/ft3 ], ton(short)/cubic yard [ton(short)/yd3 ], ton(long)/cubic yard [yd3 ]
- Density - mass and weight
- Density Water = 1000 kg/m3 = 62.43lb/ft3 = 8.35 lb/gal(US liq) = 10.02 lb/gal(UK) = 1.941 sl/ft3
- 1 g/cm3 = 1 kg/l = 1000 kg/m3 = 62.428 lb/ft3 = 0.03613 lb/in3 = 1.9403 sl/ft3 = 10.0224 lb/gal(UK) = 8.3454 lb/gal(US liq) = 0.5780 oz/in3 = 0.7525 ton(long)/yr3
- 1 g/l = 1 kg/m3 = 0.001 kg/l = 0.000001 kg/cm3 = 0.001 g/cm3 = 0.99885 oz/ft3 = 0.0005780 oz/in3 = 0.16036 oz/gal(UK) = 0.1335 oz/gal(US liq) = 0.06243 lb/ft3 =3.6127x10-5 lb/in3 = 1.6856 lb/yd3 = 0.010022 lb/gal(UK) = 0.0083454 lb/gal(US liq) = 0.0007525 ton(long)/yd3 = 0.0008428 ton(short)/yd3
- 1 kg/l = 1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3 = 62.428 lb/ft3 = 0.03613 lb/in3 = 1.9403 sl/ft3 = 8.3454 lb/gal(US liq) = 0.5780 oz/in3 = 0.7525 ton(long)/yr3
1 kg/m3 = 1 g/l = 0.001 kg/l = 0.000001 kg/cm3 = 0.001 g/cm3 = 0.99885 oz/ft3 = 0.0005780 oz/in3 = 0.16036 oz/gal(UK) = 0.1335 oz/gal(US liq) = 0.06243 lb/ft3 = 0.00194 sl/ft3 = 3.6127x10-5 lb/in3 = 1.6856 lb/yd3 = 0.010022 lb/gal(UK) = 0.008345 lb/gal(US liq) = 0.0007525 ton(long)/yd3 = 0.0008428 ton(short)/yd3
- 1 lb/ft3 = 27 lb/yd3 = 0.009259 oz/in3 = 0.0005787 lb/in3 = 16.01845 kg/m3 = 0.01602 g/cm3 = 0.1605 lb/gal(UK) = 0.1349 lb/gal(US liq) = 2.5687 oz/gal(UK) = 2.1389 oz/gal(US liq) = 0.01205 ton(long)/yd3 = 0.0135 ton(short)/yd3
- 1 lb/gal(UK) = 0.8327 lb/gal(US liq) = 16 oz/gal(UK) = 13.323 oz/gal(US liq) = 168.179 lb/yd3 = 6.2288 lb/ft3 = 0.003605 lb/in3 = 0.05767 oz/in3 = 99.7764 kg/m3 = 0.09977 g/cm3 = 0.07508 ton(long)/yd3 = 0.08409 ton(short)/yd3
- 1 lb/gal(US liq) = 1.2009 lb/gal(UK) = 19.215 oz/gal(UK) = 16 oz/gal(US liq) = 201.97 lb/yd3 = 7.4805 lb/ft3 = 0.004329 lb/in3 = 0.06926 oz/in3 = 119.826 kg/m3 = 0.1198 g/cm3 = 0.09017 ton(long)/yd3 = 0.1010 ton(short)/yd3
- 1 lb/in3 = 1728 lb/ft3 = 46656 lb/yd3 = 16 oz/in3 = 27680 kg/m3 = 27.680 g/cm3 = 277.419 lb/gal(UK) = 231 lb/gal(US liq) =4438.7 oz/gal(UK) = 3696 oz/gal(US liq) = 20.8286 ton(long)/yd3 = 23.3280 ton(short)/yd3
- 1 oz/gal(UK) = 0.8327 oz/gal(US liq) = 6.2360 kg/m3 = 6.2288 oz/ft3 = 0.3893 lb/ft3 = 10.5112 lb/yd3
- 1 oz/gal(US liq) = 1.2009 oz/gal(UK) = 7.4892 kg/m3 = 7.4805 oz/ft3 = 0.4675 lb/ft3 = 12.6234 lb/yd3
- 1 slugs /ft3 = 515.3788 kg/m3 = 514.7848 oz/ft3 = 0.2979 oz/in3 = 32.1741 lb/ft3 = 82.645 oz/gal(UK) = 68.817 oz/gal(US liq)
- 1 ton(long)/yd3 = 1.12 ton(short)/yd3 = 1328.94 kg/m3 = 0.7682 oz/in3 = 82.963 lb/ft3 = 2240 lb/yd3 = 2.5786 sl/ft3 = 13.319 lb/gal(UK) = 11.0905 lb/gal(US liq)
- 1 ton(short)/yd3 = 0.8929 ton(long)/yd3 = 1186.55 kg/m3 = 0.6859 oz/in3 = 74.074 lb/ft3 = 2000 lb/yd3 = 2.3023 sl/ft3 = 11.8921 lb/gal(UK) = 9.9023 lb/gal(US liq)
Electric Charge
abcoulomb [aC], ampere hour [Ah], ampere second [As], coloumb [C], coulomb international [C(Int)], electrostatic unit of charge [esu], faraday (chemical)[F(chem)]
- 1 aC = 0.00278 Ah = 10 C = 6.24151x10 19 esu = 1.03632x10-4 F(chem) = 2.99792x10 10 statcoulomb
- 1 Ah = 360 aC = 3600 C = 3600 As = 0.03731 F(chem)
- 1 As = 1 C = 0.00001036 F(chem) = 0.00027778 Ah
- 1 C = 1 As = 0.1 aC = 1.00015002 C(Int) = 0.000278 Ah = 1.0360x10 -5 F(chem) = 2.9979x109 statcoulomb = 6.24151x1018 esu
- 1 F(chem) = 26.8 Ah = 96485.3 C
Electromotive Force, Voltage Difference
abvolt [abV] = abampere . abohm [abA . abΩ], microvolt [μV], millivolt [mV], statvolt [statV] = erg/electrostatic unit of charge [erg/esu], volt [V] = joule/coulomb [J/C],
- 1 abV = 0.01μV = 1x10 -5 mV = 1x10-8 V
- 1 μV = 100 abV = 1x10-3 mV = 1x10-6 V
- 1 mV = 1x105 abV = 1000 μV = 1x10-3 V
- 1 statV = 1 erg/esu = 299.792458 V
- 1 V = 1 J/C = 1x10 8 abV = 1x106 μV = 1000 mV = 0.00333564 statV
Energy, Heat, Work
Barrels of oil equivalent [bboe], Billion barrels of oil equivalent [BBOE], british thermal unit [Btu] = [BTU], calorie [cal] = International Table calorie [ITcal], standard cubic foot of natural gas [scf NG], kilocalorie [kcal],dyne centimeter [dyn cm] = erg [erg], electron volt [eV], foot pound force [ft lbf] = pound-force-foot [lbf ft], foot poundal [ft pdl],gram force metre [gf m], gram force centimetre [gf cm], kilogram-force metre [kgf m] = kilopond metre [kpm], horsepower hour [hp h], inch-ounce force [in ozf], inch-pound force [in lbf], joule [J], kilojoule[kJ], liter-atmosphere [l atm], newtonmeter [Nm], kilonewtonmeter [kNm], quad [quad], therm [thm], watt hour [Wh], kilowatt hour [kWh], watt second [Ws],
- One cal (IT) (International Table) was defined by the Fifth International Conference on the Properties of Steam to be exactly 4.1868 J
- 1 bboe = 1.000349x10-9 BBOE = 5.8006x106 Btu(IT) = 5800.6 scf NG = 6.12x109 J
- 1 BBOE = 0.999650850x109 bboe = 5.798615x10 15 Btu(IT) = 5.798615x10 12 scf NG = 6.1178632x1018 J
- 1 Btu(IT) = 1.00053 Btu(ISO) = 0.9992289 Btu(mean) = 1.00067 Btu(thermochemical) = 1055.06 J = 1055.06 Ws = 108.258 kpm = 1.08258x107 gf-cm = 2.93072x10-4 kWh = 251.996 cal(IT)= 0.252 kcal(IT) = 778.194 ft lbf = 1.05506x10 10 erg= 0.29307 Wh = 0.000393 hp h = 10.4126 l atm = 0.1724x10-6 bboe = 0.001 scf NG
- 1 Btu(ISO) = 0.999473 Btu(IT) = 0.998702 Btu(mean) = 1.00142 Btu(thermochemical) = 1054.5 J
- 1 Btu(mean) = 1.0007717Btu(IT) = 1.012992 Btu(ISO) = 1.001442 Btu(thermochemical) = 1055.87 J
- 1 Btu(thermochemical) = 0.999327 Btu(IT) = 0.999856 Btu(ISO) = 0.998560 Btu(mean) = 1054.35 J
- 1 cal(IT) = 4.1868 J = 1.163x10-6 kWh = 37.056 in lbf
- 1 cal(thermocemical) = 4.184 J
- 1 kcal(IT) = 4186.8 J = 426.9 kpm = 1.163x10-3 kWh = 3.088 ft lbf = 3.9683 Btu = 1000 cal(IT) =
- 1 dyn cm = 1.00 erg = 1x10 -7 J
- 1 eV = 1.602x10-19 J
- 1 erg = 1 dyn cm = 1 g cm2/s2= 10 -7 J = 6.2415x10 11 eV
- 1 ft lbf = 1.3558 J = 0.1383 kpm = 3.766x10 -7 kWh = 3.238x10-4 kcal = 1.285x10-3 Btu(IT)
- 1 ft pdl = 0.03108 ft lbf = 2.63x1018 eV = 0.042140 J = 0.010065 cal = 5.96752 in ozf
- 1 gf cm = 0.00001 kgf-m = 0.01389 in ozf = 0.00009807 Nm
- 1 hp h = 2.6846x106 J = 0.7457 kWh
- 1 in ozf = 0.005208 ft lbf = 72.008 gf cm = 0.007062 Nm = 70616.6 dyn cm
- 1 in lbf = 0.026986 cal(IT) = 0.11298 J = 0.107089x10-3 Btu(IT) = 0.31385x10-9kWh
- 1 J = 1 kg m2/s2= 1 Ws = 1 Nm = 0.1020 kpm = 2.778x10 -7 kWh = 2.390x10-4 kcal(thermochemical) = 0.7376 ft lbf = 9.478x10-4 Btu
- 1 kJ = 1 kNm = 1kWs = 0.000278 kWh = 103 J = 0.947813 Btu = 737.6 ft lbf = 0.23884 kcal
- 1 kpm = 1 kgf m = 9.80665 J = 2.724x10-6 kWh = 2.342x10-3 kcal = 7.233 ft lbf = 9.295x10-3 Btu
- 1 kWh = 3.6x106 J = 3600 kJ = 3.671x105 kpm = 859.9 kcal = 2.656x106 ft lbf = 3.412x103 Btu
- 1 Q = 1018 Btu = 1.055x1021 J
- 1 quad = 10 15 Btu = 1.055x1018 J
- 1 scf NG (60°F, 14.7 psi/1.01 bar) = 1000 Btu (IT)
- 1 thm(e.c.) = 100,000 Btu(IT)
Energy per unit mass (Specific energy - mass)
british thermal unit(international table)/pound [Btu(IT)/lb], gigajoule/tonne [GJ/t], kilocalorie/kilogram [kcal/kg] = calorie/gram[cal/g], kilojoule/kilogram [kJ/kg] = joule/gram [J/g], kilowatt hour/kilogram [kWh/kg]
- 1 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.002326 GJ/t = 2.326 kJ/kg = 0.5559 kcal/kg = 0.000646 kWh/kg
- 1 cal/g = 1 kcal/kg = 0.0041868 GJ/t = 4.1868 kJ/kg = 1.8 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.001162 kWh/kg
- 1 GJ/t = 1000 kJ/kg = 429.923 Btu(IT)/lb = 238.846 kcal/kg = 0.278 kWh/kg
- 1 J/g = 1 kJ/kg = 10-3 GJ/t = 0.23885 kcal/kg = 0.4299 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.0002778 kWh/kg
- 1 kcal/kg = 1 cal/g = 0.0041868 GJ/t = 4.1868 kJ/kg = 1.8 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.001162 kWh/kg
- 1 kJ/kg = 1 J/g = 10-3 GJ/t = 0.23885 kcal/kg = 0.4299 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.0002778 kWh/kg
- 1 kWh/kg = 1547.7 Btu(IT)/lb = 3.6 GJ/t = 3600 kJ/kg = 860.421 kcal/kg
Energy per unit volume (Specific energy - volume)
british thermal unit(international table)/cubic foot [Btu(IT)/ft3 ],british thermal unit(international table)/gallon(US liquid) [Btu(IT)/gal(US liq)], british thermal unit(international table)/liter [Btu(IT)/l], joule/cubic meter [J/m3 ], kilocalorie/cubic metre [kcal/m3 ]
- 1 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 0.1337 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.03531 Btu(IT)/l = 8.8992 kcal/m3 = 3.7259x104 J/m3
- 1 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.2642 Btu(IT)/l = 7.4805 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 66.6148 kcal/m3 = 2.7872x105 J/m3
- 1 Btu(IT)/l = 3.78541 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 28.3168 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 252.164 kcal/m3 = 1.055x106 J/m3
- 1 J/m3 = 2.684x10-5 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 3.5879x10-6 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 9.4782x10 -7 Btu(IT)/l= 2.388x10-4 kcal/m3
- 1 kcal/m3 = 0.1124 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 0.01501 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.003966 Btu(IT)/l = 4186.8 J/m3
Flow - see Volume flow
dyne [dyn], kilogram force [kgf]=kilopond [kp], newton [N], ounce force [ozf] (avoirdupois),poundal [pdl], pound force [lbf], kilopound force [kipf]=[kip]=[klb]=[klbf]
- 1 dyn = 1 g cm/s2= 1x10 -5 N
- 1 kgf = 1 kp = 9.80665 N = 2.2046 lbf = 70.932 pdl
- 1 kip = 1000 lbf = 4448.2216 Newtons (N) = 4.4482216 kilonewtons (kN)= 453 kgf
- 1 kp = 1 kgf = 9.80665 N = 2.2046 lbf = 70.932 pdl
- 1 lbf = 16 ozf = 0.001 kip = 4.44822 N = 0.4536 kp = 32.174 pdl = 4.4482x105 dyn
- 1 N =1 kg m/s2= 1 J/m = 105 dyn = 0.1020 kp = 0.1020 kgf = 1/9.80665 kgf = 7.233 pdl = 0.2248 lbf = 3.5969 ozf = 0.000225 kip
- 1 ozf = 1/16 lbf = 0.0625 lbf = 2.0109 pdl = 0.02835 kgf = 27801.39 dyn = 0.27801 N
- 1 pdl = 0.13826 N = 0.014098 kp = 0.03108 lbf
hertz [Hz]= cycle/second [cps]
- 1 Hz = 1 cps
Heat flow rate
british thermal unit/hour [Btu/h], british thermal unit/second [Btu/s], foot-pound force/second [ft lbf/s], horsepower(Imperial) [hp(I)], horspower (metric) [hp(M)]=[hk], kilocalorie/hour [kcal/h], kilopond-meter/second [kpm/s], kilowatt [kW]=kilojoule/second [kJ/s], ton of refrigeration [ton of refrigeration], watt [W],
- 1 Btu/s = 1.0551 kW = 1055.1 W = 1.434 hk = 1.415 hp(I)= 107.586 kpm/s
- 1 Btu/h = 2.931x10-4 kW = 0.0299 kpm/s = 0.252 kcal/h = 3.986x10-4 hk = 3.939x10-4 hp = 0.2163 ft lb/s
- 1 ft lbf/s = 1.35582 W = 0.00135582 kW = 0.1382 kpm/s = 1.165 kcal/h = 4.6262 Btu(IT)/h = 1.843x10-3 hk = 1.818x10-3 hp(I)
- 1 hk = 1 hp(M) = 0.735499 kW = 75.000 kpm/s = 632.4 kcal/h = 2510 Btu(IT)/h = 0.9863 hp(I) = 542.5 ft lb/s
- 1 hp(I) = 0.74570 kW = 76.04 kpm/s = 641.2 kcal/h = 2545 Btu(IT)/h = 1.014 hk = 550.3 ft lb/s
- 1 kcal/h = 1.163x10-3 kW = 0.1186 kpm/s = 3.968 Btu(IT)/h = 1.581x10-3 hk = 1.5596x10-3 hp(I) = 0.85779 ft lb/s
- 1 kpm/s = 9.8067x10-3 kW = 8.4322 kcal/h = 33.4615 Btu(IT)/h = 0.01333 hk = 0.01315 hp(I) = 7.233 ft lb/s
- 1 kW = 1 kJ/s = 1000 W = 1000 J/s = 3.6x106 J/h = 102.0 kpm/s = 859.8 kcal/h = 3412 Btu(IT)/h = 1.3596 hk = 1.341 hp(I) = 737.6 ft lb/s
- 1 ton of refrigeration = 200 Btu(IT)/min = 3.51685 kW
- 1 W = 1x10-3 kW = 0.23885 cal(IT)/s
Heat flux
british thermal unit/(square foot hour) [Btu/(ft2h)], kilocalorie/(square centimetre hour) [kcal/(cm2h)], watt/square metre [W/m2]
- 1 Btu/(ft2h) = 3.1525 W/m2=0.000271 kcal/(cm2h)
- 1 kcal/(cm2h) = 11587 W/m2= 3690 Btu/(ft2h)
- 1 W/h = 0.3172 Btu/(ft2 h) = 8.63x10-5 kcal/(cm2h)
Heat generation per unit mass (Specific energy - mass)
british thermal unit(international table)/pound [Btu(IT)/lb], gigajoule/tonne [GJ/t], kilocalorie/kilogram [kcal/kg] = calorie/gram[cal/g], kilojoule/kilogram [kJ/kg] = joule/gram [J/g], kilowatt hour/kilogram [kWh/kg]
- 1 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.002326 GJ/t = 2.326 kJ/kg = 0.5559 kcal/kg = 0.000646 kWh/kg
- 1 cal/g = 1 kcal/kg = 0.0041868 GJ/t = 4.1868 kJ/kg = 1.8 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.001162 kWh/kg
- 1 GJ/t = 1000 kJ/kg = 429.923 Btu(IT)/lb = 238.846 kcal/kg = 0.278 kWh/kg
- 1 J/g = 1 kJ/kg = 10-3 GJ/t = 0.23885 kcal/kg = 0.4299 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.0002778 kWh/kg
- 1 kcal/kg = 1 cal/g = 0.0041868 GJ/t = 4.1868 kJ/kg = 1.8 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.001162 kWh/kg
- 1 kJ/kg = 1 J/g = 10-3 GJ/t = 0.23885 kcal/kg = 0.4299 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.0002778 kWh/kg
- 1 kWh/kg = 1547.7 Btu(IT)/lb = 3.597 GJ/t = 3597.1 kJ/kg = 860.421 kcal/kg
Heat generation per unit volume (Specific energy - volume)
british thermal unit(international table)/cubic foot [Btu(IT)/ft3 ],british thermal unit(international table)/gallon(US liquid) [Btu(IT)/gal(US liq)], british thermal unit(international table)/liter [Btu(IT)/l], joule/cubic metre [J/m3 ], kilocalorie/cubic metre [kcal/m3 ]
- 1 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 0.1337 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.03531 Btu(IT)/l = 8.8992 kcal/m3 = 3.7259x104 J/m3
- 1 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.2642 Btu(IT)/l = 7.4805 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 66.6148 kcal/m3 = 2.7872x105 J/m3
- 1 Btu(IT)/l = 3.78541 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 28.3168 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 252.164 kcal/m3 = 1.055x106 J/m3
- 1 J/m3 = 2.684x10-5 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 3.5879x10-6 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 9.4782x10 -7 Btu(IT)/l= 2.388x10-4 kcal/m3
- 1 kcal/m3 = 0.1124 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 0.01501 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.003966 Btu(IT)/l = 4186.8 J/m3
Heat transfer coefficient
british thermal uni(international table/(square foot hour degree fahrenheit) [BTU(IT)/(ft2h°F)], kilocalorie/(square metre hour degree celcius) [kcal/(m2 h°C)], watt/(square metre degree kelvin) [W/(m2K)]
- 1 Btu/(ft2h°F) = 4.882 kcal/(m2h°C) = 5.678 W/(m2K)
- 1 kcal/(m2h°C) = 0.205 Btu/(ft2h°F) = 1.163 W/(m2K)
- 1 W/(m2K) = 0.1761 Btu/(ft2h°F) = 0.85984 kcal/(m2h°C)
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Hydraulic Gradients
- 1 ftH2O/100 ft = 0.44 psi/100 ft = 9.8 kPa/100 m = 1000 mmH2O/100 m
- 1 psi/100 ft = 2.3 ftH2O/100 ft = 2288 mmH2O/100 ft = 22.46 kPa/100 m
abhenry [abH]= Nanohenry [nH], henry [H] = ohm second [Ω s] = joule/square ampere [J/A2] = kilogram square metre/(square second square ampere) [kg m2/(s2A2)], microhenry [μH], millihenry [mH]
- abH = 1 nH = 1x10-9H = 1x10-6 mH = 1x10-3 μH
- 1 H =1x103 mH = 1x106 μH = 1x109 abH
- 1 μH = 1x10-6 H = 1x10-3 mH = 1x103 abH
- 1 mH = 1x10-3 H = 1x103 μH = 1x106 abH
Information Storage
- 1 bit = 0.125 byte (computers)
- 1 byte = 8 bit
cable [cable], caliber [caliber],centimeter [cm], chain(Gunter's) = chain(surveyors') [ch], chain(Ramsden's) = chain(engineers') [ch],cubit [cubit], fathom (nautical) [ftm], fermi = femtometer [fm], foot [ft],furlong [fur],hand [hh]=[hd], inch [in], kilometer [km], light year, metre [m], milli-inch = millesimus [mil] = thousands of an inch [thou], micrometer=micron [μm], millimicron [mμ], (Gunther's) link [li], mile [mi], nautical mile [NM]=[nmi]= seamile [sm], perch = pole = rod [rd], pica [pc], pixel [px] point (ATA system) [pt], yard [yd], ångstrom [Å]
Metre is the British, SI and elsewhere spelling of the unit of length equal to 100 cm. Meter is the American spelling of the same unit.
- 1 cable (International) = 1/10 nmi = ~100 ftm = 202.54 yd = 607.61 ft = 185.37 metre = 0.00167 degree latitude
- 1 cable length (US Survey) = 120 fathom = 240 yd = 720 ft = 219.46 meter = 729.14 caliber
- 1 caliber = 0.01 in = 0.254 mm = 10 mil
- 1 ch (Gunter's) = 1/10 fur = 100 li (Gunter's) = 22 yd = 198 hh = 66 ft = 1/80 mile = 0.660 Ramsden's ch = 4.00001 rod = 4.00001 pole = 2011.7 centimeter = 20.117 meter = 792 inch
- 1 ch (engineer's or Ramsden's) = 100 ft = 100 links = 30.48 m
- 1 cm = 10-2 m = 0.3937 in = 0.03281 ft = 1x10 8 Ångstrom = 0.03281 ft = 0.0984 hh = 0.3937 in = 1x10 -5 km = 0.0497 li = 0.000497 Gunter's ch = 0.0003281 Ramsden's ch = 10 000 μm = 10 000 micron = 5.3996x10-6 [nmi] = 6.2137x10-6 mi = 10 mm = 1x107 mμ = 393.70 mil = 2.371 pc. = 28.3465 pt = 0.001988 rod (US Survey) = 0.01094 yard
- 1 cubit = 0.5 yd = 1.5 ft = 18 in = 0.4572 m = 45.72 cm
- 1 fm = 10 -15 m
- 1 ft = 0.3048 m = 12 in = 0.3333 yd = 1.894x10-4 mile = 30.48 cm = 304.8 mm
- 1 ft (U.S. Survey) = 1.000002 ft (International)
- 1 ft (International) = 0.999998 ft (U.S. Survey)
- 1 ftm = 2 yd = 6 feet = 1.828804 meters
- 1 fur = 660 ft = 40 rd = 1/8 mi
- 1 hh = 4 in = 4000 mil = 0.1016 m
- 1 in = 25.4 mm = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m = 0.08333 ft = 0.02778 yd = 1.578x10 -5 mi = 0.25 hh
- 1 km = 0.621137 mi = 3280.83 ft = 1093.61 yds = 0.53996 nmi
- 1 land league = 3 miles
- 1 m = 3.28083 ft = 39.3701 in = 1.093613 yd = 6.2137x10-4 mile
- 1 mil (Norway and Sweden) = 10 kilometres
- 1 mile = 1.6093 km = 1609.3 m = 63346 in = 5280 ft = 1760 yd
- 1 mm = 10-3 m = 0.03937 in = 1000 micron
- 1 nmi = 1852 m = 1.151 mi = 6076.1 ft = 0.016667 degree of latitude
- 1 pc = 12 pt = 16 px = 0.42174 cm = 0.1660 in
- 1 pt = 1/12 pc = 0.0833 pc = 0.0352 cm = 0.01389 in = 13.89 mil
- 1 rd = 1 pole = 1 perch = 5.5 yd = 16 1/2 ft = 1/320 mi = 5.029 m
- 1 yd = 3 ft = 36 in = 0.9144 m = 5.682x10-4 mile
- 1 Ångstrom = 1 Å = 10 -10 m = 1x10-8 cm = 1x10-4 μm = 0.0001 micron = 0.1 mμ = 3.937x10-9in
- 1 Astronomical Unit = Average Distance between the Earth and the Sun = 1.495978x10 11 m
- 1 parsec (pc) =the distance at which one AU would subtend a second of arc = 3.085678 x 10 16 m = 3.261633 ly = 206265 AU
- 1 light year = 63241.08 Astronomical Units (AU) = 9.46053x10 15 m = 5.8786x10 12 mile (US statute) = 0.306601 parsec
Luminous Emittance (Illuminance)
footcandle [fc], gigalux [Glx], Lux [lx], lumen/square centimetre [lm/cm2], lumen/square foot [lm/ft2], lumen/square inch [lm/in2], millilux [mlx] = nox [nox], phot [ph]
- 1 fc = 1 lm/ft2= 0.006944 lm/in2= 10.76391 lx = 0.107639x10-9Glx = 0.00107639 lm/cm2
- 1 Glx = 100 000 lm/cm2= 92.90304x106 fc = 645160 lm/in2
- 1 lm/cm2= 1 ph= 1x104 lx = 929.030 fc = 6.4516 lm/in2
- 1 lm/ft2= 1fc = 0.001076 lm/cm2= 10.76639 lx
- 1 lm/in2= 144 fc = 1550 lx = 0.1550003 lm/cm2
- 1 lx = 1000 mlx = 0.0001 lm /cm2= 0.0001 ph = 0.0929 fc = 0.0006452 lm/in2
- 1 mlx = 1 nox = 0.001 lx
- 1 nox = 1 mlx = 0.001 lx
- 1 ph = 1 lm/cm2= 1x104 lx = 929.030 fc = 6.4516 lm/in2
Luminous Flux
candela steradian [cd sr], lumen [lm], lux square metre [lx m2]
- 1 cd sr = 1 lm = 1 lx/m2
- 1 lm = 1 cd sr = 1 lx/m2
- 1 lx/m2= 1 cd sr = 1 lm
Luminous Intensity
candlepower [cp]=[CP], candlepower(new) [cp(new)] = candela [cd] = lumen/steradian [lm/sr], Hefnerkerze [HK]=hefner candle, millicandelas [mcd], voille [voille]
- 1 cd = 1 cp(new) = 1 lm/sr = 1000 mcd = 1.01937 cp = 1.106968 HK
- 1 cp = 0.981 cp(new) = 0.981 cd = 0.981 lm/sr = 1.085935 HK = 0.04837 voille = 4π lumen = 12.566 lumen
- 1 HK = 0.90337 cd = 0.9337 lm/sr = 0.920865 cp
- 1 lm/sr = 1 cd = 1.01937 cp = 1.106968 HK
- 1 mcd = 0.001 cd
- 1 voille = 20.17 cd = 20.5606 cp = 21.9239 HK
Luminous Intensity Density
candela/square centimetre [cd/cm2] = (lumen/steradians)/square centimetre [lm/(sr cm2)], candela/square metre [cd/m2], lambert [L]=[Lb], (lumen/steradians)/square foot [lm/(sr ft2)],
- 1 cd/cm2= 1 lm/(sr cm2) = 10 000 1 cd/m2= 3.1416 Lb
- 1 cd/m2= 0.0001 lm/(sr cm2) = 0.0929lm/(sr ft2) = 0.00031416 Lb
- 1 Lb = 1/π cd/cm2= 0.3183 cd/cm2= 3183.1 cd/m2
Magnetic Flux
gauss square centimetre [G cm2] = maxwell [Mw], magnetic flux quantum [Φ], milliweber [mWb], microweber [μWb], tesla square metre [T m2] = volt second [Vs] = weber [Wb]
- 1 G cm2= 1 Mw = 1x10-8 Wb = 1x10-8 T m2= 1x10-8 Vs = 4.835979x106 Φ
- 1 Mw = 1 G cm2= 1x10-8 Wb = 1x10-8 T m2= 1x10-8 Vs = 4.835979x106 Φ
- 1 mWb = 0.001 Wb = 1x105 Mw = 4.84x10 11 Φ
- 1 μWb = 1x10-6 Wb = 100 Mw
- 1 Φ = 2.067834x10 -7 Mw =2.067834x10 -7 G cm2=2.067834x10 -15 Vs = 2.067834x10 -15 Wb = 2.067834x10 -15 T m2
- 1 T m2= 1 Vs = 1 Wb = 4.84×10 14 Φ = 1x10 8 Mw = 1x10 8 G cm2
- 1 Vs = 1 T m2= 1 Wb = 4.84×10 14 Φ = 1x10 8 Mw = 1x10 8 G cm2
- 1 Wb = 1 T m2= 1 Vs = 1000 mWb = 1x106 μWb = 4.84×10 14 Φ = 1x10 8 Mw = 1x10 8 G cm2
Magnetic Flux Density
gamma-flux=gamma [γ], gauss [G]=[Gs] = maxwell/square centimeter [Mw/cm2] = line/square centimetre [line/cm2] = gilbert/centimeter [Gb/cm], kilogram/(ampere square second) [kg/(A s2)] = tesla [T]
- 1γ = 1x10 -5 G = 1x10-9T
- 1 G = 1 Mw/cm2= 1 Gb/cm = 1 line/cm2= 1x105 γ= 1x10-4 T = 6.4516 line/in2= 1x10-8 Wb/cm2= 6.452x10-8 Wb/in2
Magnetic Force
gilbert [Gb], ampere-turn [At]
- 1 gilbert = 0.79577 At
- 1 At = 4π/10 Gb = 1.2566 Gb
Magnitude of a Physical Quantity (Power or intensity relative to a specified or implied reference level)
- 1 bel = 10 decibel
- 1 decibel = 0.1 bel
Mass, Weight
atomic mass [u], carat [ct], cental=centum weight=quintal=hundredweight (short) [cwt], dram [dr], grain = grain (troy) [gr], gram [g], hectogram [hg], hundredweight (long) = hundredweight (imperial) [cwt], kilogram [kg], kilopound [kip], ounce (International avoirdupois) [oz], ounce (troy) [ozt]=ounce (apothecary), pennyweight=denarius weight [dwt]=[pwt]=[PW], pound(International avoirdupois) [lb] = pound mass [lbm],pound (apothecary) [lb(apothecary)]=pound (troy) [lbt], scruple [scruple], slug [sl], stone=stone weight [st], ton (long)= ton(UK) = ton [ton], ton (short)=ton(US) [ton], tonne = ton(metric) [t]
- 1 ct(metric) = 0.2 gram = 200 milligram = 3.0865 gr = 0.11288 dr = 0.05144 dr (apothecary)
- 1 cwt(long/Imperial) = 8 stone = 112 lb = 50.8023 kg
- 1 cwt(short/US) = 1 cental = 100 pound = 45.359 kilogram
- 1 dr = 0.45573 dr(apothecary) = 0.0625 oz = 0.003906 lb
- 1 dr(apothecary) = 3 scruples(apothecary) = 2.194 dr
- 1 dwt = 24 gr = 1/20 ozt, 1/240 troy pound = 1.55517 g
- 1 g = 1/1000 kg = 15.432 gr = 0.03527 oz = 0.002205 lb
- 1 gr = 0.05 scruple = 0.000143 lb = 0.000174 lbt = 0.0648 g
- 1 hg = 100 g = 0.2205 lb = 3.53 oz
- 1 kg = 1000 g = 2.2046 lb = 0.1575 st = 6.8521x10-2 sl
- 1 kip = 0.5 ton (short) = 10 cwt (short) = 1000 lb = 16000 oz = 7x106 gr = 0.45359 t = 453.59 kg
- 1 lb = 16 oz = 0.4536 kg = 453.6 g = 7000 gr = 0.03108 sl = 1.2153 lbt
- 1 lb(apothecary) = 1 lbt = 0.82286 lb = 12 oz (apothecary) = 12 ozt = 13.166 oz = 5760 gr = 0.37324 kg = 373 g
- 1 lbt = 1 lb(apothecary) = 0.82286 lb = 12 oz (apothecary) = 12 ozt = 13.166 oz = 5760 gr = 0.37324 kg = 373 g
- 1 oz = 16 dram = 28.35 g = 437.5 gr = 0.0625 lb = 0.0000279 long ton (Imperial) = 0.00003125 long ton (US) = 0.000558 cwt long (Imperial) = 0.000625 cwt short (US)
- 1 oz(apothecary) = 1 ozt = 8 dr = 1/12 pound (apothecary) = 31.1 g
- 1 ozt = 1/12 pound (troy)= 31.1034768 g = 480 gr
- 1 scruple = 1/24 oz = 0.04571 oz = 1/3 dr = 20 gr = 1.29598 g = 6.4799 ct
- 1 sl = 14.594 kg = 32.174 lb
- 1 st = 14 lb = 224 oz = 6.35029 kg
- 1 t = 0.9842 long ton (Imperial) = 1.10231 short ton (US) = 1000 kg = 106 g = 109 mg
- 1 ton (long) = 1 ton(UK) = 20 cwt (long) = 2240 lb = 160 st = 22.4 cwt (short) = 1,016.0469088 kg
- 1 ton (short) = 1 ton(UK) = 20 cwt (short) = 2000 lb = 2 kip = 32 000 oz = 907.18474 kg
- 1 u = 1/12 atomic mass units of with the carbon-12 atom (definition of atomic mass) = 1.66054 x 10 -27 kg = 931.494 MeV
- 1 Gal. H2O = 8.33 Lbs. H2O
- Density, Specific Weight and Specific Gravity - An introduction and definition of density, specific weight and specific gravity. Formulas with examples.
Mass (Weight) flow rate
kilogram/hour[kg/h], kilogram/second [kg/s], pound/hour [lb/h], pound/minute [lb/min], pound/second [lb/s], ounce/minute [oz/min], ounce/second [oz/s], tonne/day [t/d]
- 1 kg/h= 0.016667 kg/min = 2.778x10-4 kg/s = 0.024 t/d = 2.20462 lb/h = 3.67x10-2 lb/min = 0.5879 oz/min
- 1 kg/s = 3,600 kg/h = 60 kg/min = 86.4 t/d = 2.20462 lb/s = 132.28 lb/min = 35.27396 oz/s
- 1 lb/h = 0.016667 lb/min = 0.26667 oz/min = 1.26x10-4 kg/s = 0.4536 kg/h = 0.01089 t/d
- 1 lb/min = 0.01667 lb/s = 16 oz/min = 7.56x10-3 kg/s = 0.4536 kg/min 0.6532 t/d = 27.216 kg/h
- 1 lb/s = 60 lb/min = 3600 lb/h = 16 oz/s = 0.4536 kg/s = 39.1904 t/d
- 1 oz/min = 0.01667 oz/s = 3.75 lb/h = 0.02835 kg/min = 1.7 kg/h = 0.0408 t/d
- 1 oz/s = 60 oz/min = 3600 oz/h = 0.0625 lb/s = 0.0283 kg/s = 2.45 t/d = 102.058 kg/h
- 1 t/d = 0.0116 kg/s = 41.6667 kg/h = 0.02552 lb/s = 1.5310 lb/min = 91.8593 lb/h = 24.4958 oz/min = 0.40826 oz/s
Mass (Weight) per unit Area
pound/square foot [lb/ft2], kilogram/square metre [kg/m2]
- 1 lb/ft2= 4.8824 kg/m2
- 1 kg/m2= 0.2048 lb/ft2
Mass (Weight) per unit Length
pound/foot [lb/ft], kilogram/metre [kg/m]
- 1 lb/ft = 1.49 kg/m
- 1 kg/m = 0.67 lb/ft
Mass (Weight) per unit Volume
pound/cubic foot [lb/ft3 ], kilogram/cubic meter [kg/m3 ]
- 1 lb/ft3 = 16 kg/m3
- 1 kg/m3 = 0.062 lb/ft3
molar [M] = mole/liter solution [mol/l]
- 1 M = 1 mol/l
Mole [mol], kilomole [kmol], decimole [dmol], centimole[cmol], millimole [mmol], pound-mole [lb-mol]
- 1 kmol = 1000 mol = 2.2046 lb-mol
- 1 lb-mol = 0.45359 kmol
- 1 mol = 0.001 kmol = 10 dmol = 100 cmol = 1000 mmol = 6.0221415 10 23 atom = 6.0221415 10 23 molecule = number of atoms in 12gramsofcarbon-12( 12 C)-isotop
- Avogadros constant = 6.0221415 10 23
Moment of Inertia
- Moment of Inertia
- 1 kg m2= 10000 kg cm2= 54675 oz in2= 3417.2 lb in2= 23.73 lb ft2
Nautical Measure
cable length [cable], fathom [fathom], foot [ft], inch [in], kilometer/hour [km/h], knot [knot]=nautical mile/hour [nmi/h], metre [m], metre/second [m/s], mile (US, Imperial) [mi], nautical leage [NL]=[nl], meter [m], nautical mile [NM]=[nmi] = sea mile, yard [yd]
- 1 cable = 1 nmi/10 = 0,1 nmi = 185.2 m
- 1 fathom = 2 yd = 6 ft = 72 in = 1.8288 m
- 1 knot (nautical unit of speed) = 1 nmi/h = 1.852 km/h = 0.5144 m/s
- 1 league = 3 nmi = 5556 m
- 1 nmi = 10 cable = 6076.11 ft = 1.1508 mi = 1852 m
- one degree at the equator = 60 nautical miles = 69.047 miles
- 360 degrees = 21600 nautical miles = 24856.8 statute miles = circumference at equator
british thermal unit/second [Btu/s]=[BTU/s], british thermal unit/hour [Btu/h]=[Btuh], calorie /second [cal/s], erg/second [erg/s], foot pound-force/second [ft lbf/s], horsepower = cheval vapeur [hp], horsepower (boiler) [hp(S)],horsepower (electric) [hp(E)],horsepower (metric) [hp(M)], horsepower (mechanical=hydraulic=brake =Imperial) [hp(I)]=[bhp], horsepower (water) [WHP], joule/s [J/s], kilocalorie/second [kcal/s], kilogram-force meter/second [kgf m/s], kilowatt [kW], thousand British Thermal Units/hour [MBH], volt-ampere [VA], watt [W],
- 1 kW = 1000 W = 3412 Btu/h = 737.6 ft lbf/s = 1.3596 hp(M) (ps) = 1.341 hp(I) (bhp) = 101.97 kgf m/s = 737.6 ft lbf/s
- 1 Btu/s = 1055.1 W = 0.251997 kcal/s = 1.4345 hp(M)
- 1 Btu/h = 1 Btuh = 0.001 MBH = 0.2931 W = 0.2520 kcal/h = 0.2931 J/s = 0.2162 ft lbf/s
- 1 cal/s = 4.187 W = 4.187 J/s = 0.005692 hp(M)
- 1 ft lbf/s = 1.3558 W = 0.3238 cal/s = 1.1658 kcal/h
- 1 hp(E) = 746 W = 0.07606 hp(S) = 1.0004 hp(I) = 1.0143 hp(M) = 2545.45 Btu/h = 641 446 cal/h = 7.46x109 erg/s = 550.222 ft lbf/s = 0.7460 kW
- 1 hp(I) = 550 ft lbf/s = 0.07603 hp(S) = 0.9995 hp(E) = 1.0139 hp(M) = 745.7 W =0.7457 kW = 2544.42 Btu/h = 641 186 cal/h = 7.46x109 erg/s
- 1 hp(M) = 75 kgf m/s = 0.07499 hp(S) = 0.98592 hp(E) = 0.98632 hp(I) = 735.499 W = 0.7355 kW =2509.6 Btu/h = 632 416 cal/h = 7.35x109 erg/s = 542.477 ft lbf/s
- 1 hp(S) = 33 475 Btu/h = 13.147 hp(E) = 13.153 hp(I) = 13.335 hp(M) = 9807.9 W = 9.8079 kW = 33 0465 Btu/h = 8.433x106 cal/h = 98.08x109 erg/s = 7233.9 ft lbf/s
- 1 J/s = 1 W = 10x106 erg/s = 0.001 kW = 0.8598 kcal/h = 0.10197 kgf m/s = 3.412 Btu/h = 0.0009478 Btu/s = 0.7375 ft lbf/s
- 1 kcal/s = 4.1868 kW = 4186.8 W = 1000 cal/s = 426.9 kgf m/s = 4187 J/s = 3.968 Btu/s
- 1 kgf m/s = 9.807 W = 9.807 J/s =2.342 cal/s = 0.01333 hp(M) = 7.233 ft lbf/s
- 1 MBH = 1000 Btu/h
- 1 W = 1 J/s = 1 kg m2/s3 = 1 Nm/s =10x106 erg/s = 0.8598 kcal/h = 0.10197 kgf m/s = 3.412 Btu/h = 0.0009478 Btu/s = 0.7375 ft lbf/s
- 1 WHP = = 550.25 ft lbf/s = 0.07605 hp(S) = 1.00006 hp(E) = 1.00046 hp(I) = 1.01434 hp(M) = 0.746043 kW
- 1 cooling tower Ton = 15000 Btu /h = 3782 k Calories /h
- 1 refrigeration Ton = 12000 Btu/h cooling = 3.51
Power per unit area
(british thermal unit(international table)/hour)/square foot [Btu(IT)/(h ft2)], (kilocalorie(international table)/h)/square metre [kcal(IT)/(h m2)], watt/square metre [W/m2]
- 1 Btu(IT)/(h ft2) = 2.7126 kcal(IT)/(h m2) = 3.1546 W/m2
- 1kcal(IT)/(h m2) = 0.3687 Btu(IT)/(h ft2) = 1.1630 W/m2
- 1 W/m2= 0.3170 Btu/(h ft2) = 0.85984 kcal/(h m2)
atmosphere [atm], bar [bar], barye [Ba] (French), centimeters of mercury at given temperature [cm Hg],centimeter of water at given temperature [cm H2O], dyne/centimeter2[dyn/cm2], foot of water at given temperature [ft H2O], gram-force/centimeter2[gf/cm2], inch of mercury at given temperature [in Hg], inch of water (gauge) at given temperature [igw], inch of water column at given temperature [in wc] or [wc], kgram force/centimeter2[kgf/cm2], kgram force/meter2[kgf/m2]=kilopond/meter2[kp/m2], meter of water at given temperature [m H2O], millimeter of mercury at given temperature [mm Hg], newton/meter2[N/m2], ounce/square inch [oz/in2],pascal [Pa], pound-force/square foot [lbf/ft2]=[psf], pound-force/square inch [lbf/in2]=[psi], torr [Torr]
- 1 atm = Standard Atmospheric Pressure (Imperial and USA systems of units) = 1.01325 bar = 101.325 kN/m2= 101.325 kPa= 760 Torr=mm Hg at 0°C/32°F = 29.92 in Hg at 0°C/32°F =14.696 psi = 0 psig = 33.899 ft H2O at 4°C/39°F = 10.33 m H2O at 4°C/39°F = 406.8 igwat 4°C/39°F = 2116.2 lbf /ft2= 1.033x104 kp/m2
- 1 bar = Standard Atmospheric Pressure (IUPAC system) = 0.98692 atm = 1000 mbar = 1x105 Pa (=N/m2) = 0.1 N/mm2= 1x106 Ba (French) = 10197 kp/m2= 10.197 m H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 14.5038 psi (=lbf/in2) = 1x106 dyn/cm2= 750 mmHg at 0°C/32°F = 29.530 in Hg at 0°C/32°F = 75.0062 cm Hg at 0°C/32°F = 33.455 ft H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 1019.72 gf/cm2= 1.01972 kgf /cm2= 2088.54 lbf /ft2(=psf)
- 1 Ba (French) = 1.0 dyn/cm2= 0.10 N/m2= 0.10 Pa
- 1 dyn/cm2= 14.504x10-6 lbf /in2= 1x10-6 bar = 0.000750 Torr
- 1 ft H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 0.4335 psi (lbf /in2) = 62.43 lbf /ft2= 2989 Pa
- 1 in Hg at 0°C/32°F = 3 386.4 N/m2= 0.4911 lbf/in2= 13.59 igw at 4°C/39°F
- 1 in H2O at 4°C/39°F = 1 igw = 249.09 N/m2(Pa) = 0.0361 lbf /in2= 25.4 kgf /m2= 0.07356 in Hg at 0°C/32°F
- 1 kp/m2= 1 kgf /m2= 1 mm H2O at 4°C/39°F= 10-3 m H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 0.0394 in H2O at 4°C/39°F = 0.0736 mm Hg at 0°C/32°F = 9.807 Pa (N/m2) = 9.807x10-6 N/mm2= 0.9678x10-4 atm = 1.422x10-3 psi
- 1 ksi = 1000 psi
- 1 mm Hg at 0°C/32°F = 1 Torr = 0.01934 lbf /in2= 0.0193 psi = 0.00133 bar = 0.00132 atm = 13.56 mm H2O at 4°C/39°F
- 1 m H2O at 4°C/39°F = 1000 kp/m2= 9806.7 Pa = 9.807x10-3 N/mm2= 0.0987 bar = 0.09678 atm = 1.422 psi
- 1 mm H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 1 kgf /m2= 9.81 Pa = 0.0736 mm Hgat 0°C/32°F = 0.9678x10-4 atm
- 1 oz/in2= 1.73 igw at 4°C/39°F = 0.1273 in Hg at 0°C/32°F = 430.92 Pa
- 1 Pa = 10-6 N/mm2= 10 -5 bar = 0.1020 kp/m2= 1.020x10-4 m H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 9.869x10-6 atm = 0.004 in H2O= 1.450x10-4 psi (lbf /in2) = 0.02089 lbf /ft2(psf)
- 1 psf (lbf /ft2) = 47.88 N/m2(Pa) = 0.006944 psi
- 1 psi (lbf /in2) = 0.001 ksi = 144 psf = 6894.8 Pa (N/m2) = 6.895x10-3 N/mm2= 0.06895 bar = 27.68 in H2O at 4°C/39°F = 2.307 ft H2Oat 4°C/39°F = 703.1 mm H2O at 4°C/39°F = 2.036 in Hg at 0°C/32°F = 51.71 mm Hg at 0°C/32°F = 703.1 kgf/m2= 0.06805 atm = 16 oz/in2
Note! When using pressure units based on liquid columns (like mm H2O, in H2O, mm Hg ...) - be aware that densities of liquids varies with temperature. For more exact conversions consult temperature density sources for the actual liquids.
becquerel [Bq]=radioactive disintegration/second, curie [Ci], disintegration/minute [dpm], Gigabecquerel [GBq], microcurie [μCi], rutherford [Rd]
- 1 Bq = 1x10-9GBq = 1x10-6 Rd = 2.7027x10 -11 Ci = 2.7027x10 - 5μCi = 60 dpm
- 1 Ci = 1x106 μCi = 3.70x10 10 Bq = 37 GBq = 3.70x104 Rd = 2.22x10 12 dpm
- 1 dpm = 0.01667 Bq= 1.667x10 -11 GBq = 1.667x10-8 Rd = 4.5045x10 -13 Ci = 4.5045x10 -7 μCi
- 1 GBq = 1x109 Bq = 1000 Rd = 0.027027 Ci = 27027 μCi = 60 x 109 dpm
- 1 μCi = 1x10-6 Ci = 3.70x10 16 Bq = 3.70x107 GBq = 3.70x10 10 Rd = 2.22x1018 dpm
- 1 Rd = 1x106 Bq = 0.001 GBq = 2.7027x10 -5 Ci = 27.027 μCi = 60x106 dpm
Radiation - Absorbed Dose
erg/gram [erg/g], gray [Gy], adsorbed radiation dose [rad], joule/kilogram [J/kg], milligray [mGy], røntgen equivalent physical [rep]=parker [parker]
- 1 erg/g = 1x10-4 Gy = 0.1 mGy = 0.01 rad
- 1 Gy = 1 J/kg = 100 rad = 1000 mGy = 10 000 erg/g
- 1 rad = 0.010 Gy = 100 erg/g
- 1 rep = 83 or 93 erg/g = 8.3 or 9.3 mGy (definition has varied over time)
- 1 mGy = 0.001 Gy = 0.1205 or 0.1075 rep
Radiation - Exposure
ampere second/kilogram [A s/kg], coulomb/kilogram [C/kg], røntgen(/roentgen) [R]= =german unit of radiation [german R]=tissue roentgen, french roentgen [french R]
- 1 R = 0.000258 C/kg =0.000258 A s/kg = 2.2522 french R
- 1 C/kg = 1 A s/kg = 3875.97 R
- 1 french R = 0.444 german R = 0.000115 C/kg
Radiation - Dose Equivalent
microsievert [μSv], milli roentgen equivalent man [mrem], roentgen equivalent man [rem], sievert [Sv]=joule/kilogram [J/kg]
- 1 μSv = 1x10-6 Sv = 1x10-4 rem = 0.1 mrem
- 1 mrem = 10 μSv = 0.001 rem = 1x10-5 Sv
- 1 Sv = 1 J/kg = 1x106 μS = 100 rem = 1x105 mrem
- 1 rem = 10000μSv = 1000 mrem = 0.01 Sv
Resistance, Electrical
abohm [abΩ], megaohm [MΩ], microohm [μΩ], ohm [Ω]=volt/ampere [V/A],
- 1 abΩ = 1x10-15 MΩ = 1x10-3 μΩ = 1x10-9Ω
- 1 μΩ = 1000 abΩ = 1x10-12 MΩ = 1x10-6 Ω
- 1 MΩ = 1x1012 μΩ = 1x106 Ω = 1x1015 abΩ
- 1 Ω = 1 V/A = 1x106 μΩ = 1x10-6 MΩ = 1x109 abΩ
degree/minute [deg/min], degree/week [deg/w], hertz [Hz], radians/hour [rad/h], radians/minute [rad/min], radians/second [rad/s], revolutions/day [r/d], revolutions/minute [rpm]=[RPM]=[r/min]=[rev/min] = tours par minute (french) [tr/min] = Umdrehungen pro Minute [U/min], revolutions per second [r/s]=cycle/second [cps]
- 1 deg/min = 0.043 Hz = 0.01745 rad/min = 1.047 rad/h = 0.002778 rpm = 4 r/d = 10 080 deg/w
- 1 deg/w = 99.21x10-6 deg/min
- 1 Hz = 1 r/s = 1 cps = 60 rpm = 2π rad/s = 6.28 rad/s = 22619 rad/h = 360 deg/s
- 1 r/d = 6.94x10-4 rpm = 0.00417 deg/s
- 1 r/min = 1 rpm = 1/60 r/s = 0.01667 r/s = 0.105 rad/s = 6 deg/s = 360 deg/min = 1440 r/d
- 1 r/s = 1 Hz = 1 cps = 60 rpm = 2π rad/s = 6.28 rad/s = 360 deg/s
- 1 rad/h = 4.42x10 -5 Hz = 2.65x10-3 rpm = 0.9549 deg/min
- 1 rad/min = 0.00263 Hz = 0.1591 rpm = 57.2958 deg/min
- 1 rad/s = 1/(2π) r/s = 0.159 cps = 9.549 rpm = 57.30 deg/s
Section Modulus
cubic centimetre [cm3 ], cubic foot [ft3 ], cubic inch [in3 ], cubic metre [m3 ]
- Elastic Section Modulus
- 1 cm3 = 10-6 m3 = 3.531x10 -5 ft3 = 0.061023 in3
- 1 m3 = 106 cm3 = 35.31466 ft3 = 61023.76 in3
- 1 ft3 = 0.02832 m3 = 28372 cm3 = 1728 in3
- 1 in3 = 1.6387x10 -5 m3 = 16.387 cm3 = 5.78 10-4 ft3
Sound pressure level
bel [B], decibel(sound pressure level) [dB SPL], neper [Np], pascal (root mean square sound pressure) [Pa]
- 1 B = (1/2)*ln10 Np = 1.15129 Np
- 1 dB SPL = (1/20)*ln10 Np = 0.11529 Np
- 1 Np = 8.68589 dB
- 0.02 Pa = 60 dB
- 1 Pa = 94 dB SPL
- 200 Pa = 140 dB SPL
Specific Heat
british thermal unit/(pound degree fahrenheit) [Btu/(lb°F)] = kilocalorie/(kilogram degree celcius) [kcal/(kg°C)], joule/(kilogram degree kelvin) [J/(kgK)], kilocalorie/(pound degree fahrenheit) [kcal/(lb°F)], kilojoule/(kilogram degree kelvin) [kJ/(kgK)]=kilojoule/(kilogram degree celcius) [kJ/(kg°C)], kilowatthour/(kilogram degree kelvin) [kWh/(kg K)]
- 1 Btu/(lb °F) =1 Btu/(lb °R) = 1 kcal(IT)/(kg °C) = 1 kcal(IT)/(kg K) = 4186.8 J/(kg K) = 0.81647 kcal(IT)/(lb °F) = 1.163x10-3 kWh/(kg K)
- 1 J/(kg K) = 1 J/(kg °C) = 2.3885x10-4 kcal(IT)/(kg oC) = 2.3885x10-4 Btu/(lb °F) = 1.9501x10-4 kcal(IT)/(lb °F)
- 1 kcal(IT)/(kg °C) = 1 Btu/(lb °F) = 4186.8 J/(kg K) = 0.81647 kcal(IT)/(lb °F)
- 1 kcal(IT)/(lb °F) = 1.2248 Btu/(lb °F) = 1.2248 kcal(IT)/(kg °C) = 5127.9 J/(kg K)
- 1 kJ/(kg K) = 1 kJ/(kg °C) = 1000J/(kg K) = 1000 J/(kg °C) = 0.23885 kcal(IT)/(kg °C) = 0.23885 Btu/(lb °F) = 0.19501 kcal(IT)/(lb °F) = 2.7778x10-4 kWh/(kg K)
- 1 kWh/(kg K) = 0.85985 kcal(IT)/(kg °C) = 0.85985Btu/(lb °F) = 3.6 kJ/(kg K)
Specific Energy (mass)
british thermal unit(international table)/pound [Btu(IT)/lb], gigajoule/tonne [GJ/t], kilocalorie/kilogram [kcal/kg] = calorie/gram[cal/g], kilojoule/kilogram [kJ/kg] = joule/gram [J/g], kilowatt hour/kilogram [kWh/kg]
- 1 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.002326 GJ/t = 2.326 kJ/kg = 0.5559 kcal/kg = 0.000646 kWh/kg
- 1 cal/g = 1 kcal/kg = 0.0041868 GJ/t = 4.1868 kJ/kg = 1.8 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.001162 kWh/kg
- 1 GJ/t = 1000 kJ/kg = 429.923 Btu(IT)/lb = 238.846 kcal/kg = 0.278 kWh/kg
- 1 J/g = 1 kJ/kg = 10-3 GJ/t = 0.23885 kcal/kg = 0.4299 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.0002778 kWh/kg
- 1 kcal/kg = 1 cal/g = 0.0041868 GJ/t = 4.1868 kJ/kg = 1.8 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.001162 kWh/kg
- 1 kJ/kg = 1 J/g = 10-3 GJ/t = 0.23885 kcal/kg = 0.4299 Btu(IT)/lb = 0.0002778 kWh/kg
- 1 kWh/kg = 1547.7 Btu(IT)/lb = 3.597 GJ/t = 3597.1 kJ/kg = 860.421 kcal/kg
Specific Energy (volume)
british thermal unit(international table)/cubic foot [Btu(IT)/ft3 ],british thermal unit(international table)/gallon(US liquid) [Btu(IT)/gal(US liq)], british thermal unit(international table)/liter [Btu(IT)/l], joule/cubic meter [J/m3 ], kilocalorie/cubic metre [kcal/m3 ]
- 1 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 0.1337 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.03531 Btu(IT)/l = 8.8992 kcal/m3 = 3.7259x104 J/m3
- 1 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.2642 Btu(IT)/l = 7.4805 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 66.6148 kcal/m3 = 2.7872x105 J/m3
- 1 Btu(IT)/l = 3.78541 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 28.3168 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 252.164 kcal/m3 = 1.055x106 J/m3
- 1 J/m3 = 2.684x10-5 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 3.5879x10-6 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 9.4782x10 -7 Btu(IT)/l= 2.388x10-4 kcal/m3
- 1 kcal/m3 = 0.1124 Btu(IT)/ft3 = 0.01501 Btu(IT)/gal(US liq) = 0.003966 Btu(IT)/l = 4186.8 J/m3
Specific Volume
cubic foot/pound [ft3 /lb], cubic inch/pound [in3 /lb], cubic metre/kg [m3 /kg], gallon(US)/pound [gal(US)/lb], gallon(UK)/pound [gal(UK)/lb], liter/kilogram [l/kg]
- 1 ft3 /lb = 1728 in3 /lb = 7.4805 gal(US)/lb = 6.22884gal(UK)/lb = 62.43 liter/kg = 0.062 m3 /kg
- 1 gal(UK)/lb = 1.2010 gal(US)/lb =0.16054 ft3 /lb
- 1 gal(US)/lb = 0.83267gal(UK)/lb = 0.134 ft3 /lb = 231 in3 /lb = 8.35 l/kg = 0.0083 m3 /kg
- 1 in3 /lb = 0.00058 ft3 /lb = 0.0043 gal(US)/lb = 0.036 liter/kg = 0.000036 m3 /kg
- 1 l/kg = 0.01602 ft3 /lb = 27.7 in3 /lb = 0.12 gal(US)/lb = 0.001 m3 /kg
- 1 m3 /kg = 1000 l/kg = 16.02 ft3 /lb = 27680 in3 /lb = 119.8 gal(US)/lb = 99.7764 gal(UK)/lb
- 1 psi (lb/in2) = 144 psf (lbf /ft2)= 6894.8 Pa (N/m2) = 6.895x10-3 N/mm2
- 1 N/m2= 1 Pa = 10-6 N/mm2= 1.4504x10-4 lb/in 2
Surveyor's Measure
chain [chain], foot[ft], furlong [furlong], hand [hand], inch [in], leage [leage], link [link], metre [m], mile [mi], rod[rd], yard [yd]
- 1 chain = 4.17x10-3 leage = 0.1 furlong = 0.0125 mi = 4 rd = 22 yd = 66 ft = 100 link = 198 hand = 20.1168 m
- 1 ft = 1/660 furlong = 0.00152 furlong = 1/66 chain = 0.01515 chain = 1.5151 link = 3 hand = 12 in = 0.3048 m
- 1 furlong = 1/8 mi = 0.125 mi = 10 chain = 40 rd = 220 yd = 660 ft = 1000 link = 201.168 m
- 1 hand = 0.0051 chain = 0.0202 rd = 0.1111 yd = 0.3333 ft = 0.5051 link = 4 in = 0.1016 m
- 1 leage = 3 mi = 24 furlong = 240 chain = 960 rd = 5280 yd = 4828.03 m
- 1 link = 0.001 furlong = 0.01 chain = 0.04 rd = 0.22 yd = 0.66 ft = 1.98 hand = 7.92 in = 0.2012
- 1 m = 0.0006214 mi = 0.004971 furlong = 0.04971 chain = 0.19884 rd = 1.0936 yd = 3.2808 ft = 4.9710 link = 9.8425 hand = 39.370 in
- 1 mi = 1/3 leage = 8 furlong = 80 chain = 320 rd = 1760 yd = 5280 ft = 15840 hand = 63360 in = 1609.34 m
- 1 rd = 1/40 furlong = 0.025 furlong = 0.25 chain = 5.5 yd = 16.5 ft = 25 link = 49.5 hand = 198 in = 5.0292 m
- 1 yd = 1/22 chain = 0.04545 chain = 0.18182 rd = 3 ft = 4.5454 link = 9 hand = 36 in = 0.9144 m
- temperature
celsius = degrees centigrade [°C], degrees fahrenheit [°F], kelvin [K], degrees rankine [°R]
- 0 °C corresponds to 32 °F, 273.16 K and 491.69 °R
- 0 °F corresponds to -17.78 °C, 255.37 K and 459.67 °R
- 0 K corresponds to -273.15 °C, -459.67 °F, and 0 °R
- 0 °R corresponds to -273.15°C, -459.67 °F, and 0 K
- T °C = (T °F - 32)/1.8
- T °C = T K - 273.15
- T °F = T °C *1.8 + 32
- T °F = (T K - 273.15)*1.8 + 32
- T K = T °C + 273.15
- T K = T °R /1.8
- T °R = T °F + 459.67
- T °R = 1.8 K
Temperature difference:
- ΔT °C = ΔT K = 1.8*ΔT °F = 1.8*ΔT °R
- ΔT °F = ΔT °R = ΔT °C /1.8 = ΔT K /1.8
- ΔT K = ΔT °C =1.8*ΔT °F = 1.8*ΔT °R
- ΔT °R = ΔT °F = ΔT °C /1.8 = ΔT K /1.8
Note that °C is used for actual temperatures and C° is used for temperature differences.
Thermal Conductivity
british thermal unit(international)/(foot hour degree fahrenheit) [Btu(IT)/(ft h°F],british thermal unit(international)/(inch hour degree fahrenheit) [Btu(IT)/(in h°F], british thermal unit(international)*inch/(square foot*hour*degree fahrenheit) [(Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F)], kilocalorie/(metre hour degree celcius) [kcal/(m h°C)], joule/(centimetre second degree kelvin) [J/(cm s K)], watt/(metre degree kelvin) [W/(m°C)],
- 1 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) =1/12 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 0.08333 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 12 Btu(IT)in/(ft2h°F) = 1.488 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.01731 J/(cm s K) = 1.731 W/(m K)
- 1 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 12 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 144 Btu(IT)in/(ft2h°F) = 17.858 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.20769 J/(cm s K)= 20.769 W/(m K)
- 1 (Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F) = 0.08333 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 0.00694 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 0.12401 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.001442 J/(cm s K) = 0.1442 W/(m K)
- 1 J/(cm s K) = 100 W/(m K) = 57.789 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 4.8149 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 693.35(Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F) = 85.984 kcal/(m h°C)
- 1 kcal/(m h°C) = 0.6720 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 0.05600 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 8.0636 (Btu(IT) in)/(ft2h°F) = 0.01163 J/(cm s K) = 1.163 W/(m K)
- 1 W/(m K) = 0.01 W/(cm K) = 0.01 J/(cm s K) = 0.5779 Btu(IT)/(ft h°F) = 0.04815 Btu(IT)/(in h°F) = 6.9335(Btu(IT) in)/(ft² h°F) = 0.85984 kcal/(m h°C)
Thermal Diffusivity
square feet/second [ft2/s], square feet/hour [ft2/h], square metre/hour [m2/h], square metre/second [m2/s]
- 1 ft2/h = 2.7778x10-4 ft2/s = 0.09290 m2/h = 2.581x10 -5 m2/s
- 1 ft2/s = 3600 ft2/h = 334.45 m2/h = 0.09290 m2/s
- 1 m2/h = 2.7778x10-4 m2/s = 10.7639 ft2/h = 0.002990 ft2/s
- 1 m2/s = 3600 m2/h = 38750.1 ft2/h = 10.7639 ft2/s
Thermal Expansion
length/(length degree fahrenheit) [in/(in°F)]=[m/(m°F)] = length/(length degree Rankin) [in/(in°R)]=[m/(m°R)], length/(length degree kelvin) [m/(m K)]=[in/(in K)]= length/(length degree celcius)[m/(m oC)]=[in/(in °C)]
- 1 m/(m oC) = 1 m/(m K) = 0.5556 in/(in°F) = 0.5556 m/(m°F) = 0.5556 = 0 .5556 in/(in°R) = 0.5556 m/(m°R)
- 1 in/(in oF) = 1 in/(in o R) = 1.8 m/(m oC) = 1.8 in/(in °C) = 1.8 m/(m K) = 1.8 in/(in K)
Thermal Resistance
degree fahrenheit hour/british thermal unit (international) [°F h/Btu(IT)] = degree rankin hour/british thermal unit(international) [°R h/Btu(IT)], degree kelvin/watt [K/W]=degree celcius/watt [°C/W]
- 1 °C/W = 1 K/W = 0.5275 °F h/Btu = 0.5275 °R h/Btu(IT)
- 1 °F h/Btu(IT) = 1 °R h/Btu(IT) = 1.8958 K/W = 1.8958 °C/W
- 1 K/W = 1 °C/W = 0.5275 °F h/Btu = 0.5275 °R h/Btu(IT)
- 1 °R h/Btu(IT) = 1 °F h/Btu(IT) =1.8958 K/W = 1.8958 °C/W
Thermal Resistivity
centimetre degree kelvin/watt [cm K/W], foot degree fahrenheit hour/british thermal unit(international) [ft°F h/Btu(IT)], metre degree kelvin/watt [m K/W]=meter degree celcius/watt [m°C/W], square foot degree fahrenheit hour/(british thermal unit(international) inch) [ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in)]
- 1 cm K/W = 0.01 m oC/W = 0.01 m K/W = 0.001442 ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in) = 0.01731 ft°F h/Btu(IT)
- 1 ft°F h/Btu(IT) = 1/12ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in) = 0.08333 ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in) = 57.789 cm K/W = 0.5778 m oC/W =0.5778 m K/W
- 1 ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in) = 12 ft°F h/Btu(IT) = 693.35cm K/W = 6.9335 m oC/W = 6.9335 m K/W
- 1 m oC/W = 1 m K/W = 100 cm K/W = 0.1442 ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in) = 1.731 ft°F h/Btu(IT)
- 1 m K/W = 1 m oC/W = 100 cm K/W = 0.1442 ft2°F h/(Btu(IT) in) = 1.731 ft°F h/Btu(IT)
day (mean solar) [d], hour [h]=[hr], microsecond [μs], millisecond [ms], minute [min],month[month], nanosecond [ns], second [s]=[sec], sidereal day [d(sidereal)], sidereal month [month(sidereal)],sidereal year [y(sidereal)], week [week], year (calendar) [y]=[yr],
- 1 d = 1.0027379 d (sidereal)= 86400 s= 1440 min = 24 h = 1/7 week = 0.1428 week = 0.3285 month = 0.0027378 y
- 1 h = 1.002738 hour (sidereal) = 3600 s = 60 min = 1/24 d = 0.04167 d = 0.005952 week = 0.001369 month = 0.000114 y
- 1 μs = 10-6 s
- 1 min = 60 s = 1/60 h = 0.01667 h = 1/1440 d = 0.000694 d
- 1 month = 1.11402 month(sidereal) = 4330 min = 730.5 h = 30.437 d = 4.348 week = 1/12 y = 0.0833 y
- 1 ms = 10-3 s
- 1 ns = 10-9s
- 1 s = 9192631770 cycles of the standard Cs-133 transition = 1000 ms = 1x106 μs = 1x109 ns = 1/60 min = 0.01667 min = 1/3600 h = 0.000278 h
- 1 week = 10080 min = 168 h = 7 d = 0.230 month = 0.0192 y
- 1 y = 0.999962 y(sidereal) = 31.56x106 s = 0.5259x106 min = 8766 h = 365.25 d = 52.18 week = 12 month
Torque, Moment
foot-pound torque [ft lbf], gram-force centimetre [gf cm] kilogram-force metre [kgf m] = kilopond metre [kpm], kilogram-force centimetre [kgf cm], millinewton metre [mN m], newton metre [N m], inch ounce-force [in ozf ], inch pound-force [in lbf]
Note that the unit of work ft-lbf (foot-pound) is in practice commonly used as the unit of torque in the Imperial system. The unit for torque is lbf -ft (pound-foot) - one pound of force acting at a perpendicular distance of one foot from a pivot point.
- 1 gf cm = 1x10-6 kgf m =1x10-4 kgf cm = 9.807x10 -5 Nm = 0.09807 mN m = 7.23x10 -5 ft lbf = 8.68x10-4 lbf in = 0.01389 in ozf
- 1 kgf m = 1 kpm = 1x106 gf cm = 100 kgf cm = 9.807 Nm = 9807 mN m = 7.23 ft lbf = 86.8 in lbf = 1389 in ozf
- 1 kgf cm = 0.01 kgf m = 1000 gf cm = 0.09807 Nm = 98.07 mN m = 0.0723 ft lbf = 0.868 in lbf = 13.89 in ozf
- 1 lbf ft = 1 ft lbf = 12 in lbf = 192.00 in oz = 0.1383 kgf m = 13.826kgf cm = 13825.5 gf cm = 1.3558 Nm = 1355.82 mN m
- 1 kip foot = 1000 lbf ft
- 1 in lbf = 1/12 ft lbf = 0.08333 ft lbf = 16 in ozf = 0.01152 kgf m = 1.152 kgf cm = 1152.1 gf cm = 0.11299 Nm = 112.99 mN m
- 1 mN m = 0.001 N m =10.197 gf cm = 1.0197x10-4 kgf m = 0.01020 kgf cm = 7.376x10-4 ft lbf = 0.008851 in lbf = 0.1416 in ozf
- 1 N m = 1000 mN m = 10197 gf cm = 0.10197 kgf m = 10.197 kgf cm = 0.7376 ft lbf = 8.851 in lbf = 141.6 in ozf
- 1 in ozf = 0.005208 ft lbf = 1/16 in lbf = 0.0625 in lbf = 0.0007201 kgf m = 0.07201 kgf cm = 72.008 gf cm = 0.007062 Nm = 7.061 mN m
Velocity, Speed
foot/minute [ft/min], foot/second [ft/s], inch/second [in/s],kilometre/hour [km/h], knot [knot] = nautical mile per hour, metre/second [m/s], mile/hour [mi/h]=[mph]
- 1 ft/s = 0.3048 m/s
- 1 ft/min = 5.08x10-3 m/s = 0.0183 km/h = 0.0114 mph
- 1 mph = 0.44703 m/s = 1.609 km/h = 88 ft/min = 5280 ft/hr = 1.467 Ft./sec. = 0.8684 knots
- 1 m/s = 3.6 km/h = 196.85 ft/min = 2.237 mph
- 1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s = 54.68 ft/min = 0.6214 mph = 0.5396 knot
- 1 knot (nautical mile per hour) = 0.514444444 m/s = 1.852 kilometers per hour = 1.1515 miles per hour= 1 nautical miles per hour
- 1 League = 3.0 Miles
- 1 cm/sec = 1.9685 foot/min = 0.0328 foot/sec = 0.036 km/hr = 0.0194 knots (Int) = 0.6 meter/min = 0.02237 mile/hr = 0.000373 mile/min
Viscosity Dynamic, Absolute
centipoise [cP], gram/(centimetre second) [g/(cm s)] = poise [P], kilogram/metre second [kg/m s]=newton second/square metre [N s/m2]= pascal second [Pa s], pound/(foot hour) [lb/(ft h)],pound/(foot second) [lb/(ft s)], pound-force second/square foot [lbf s/ft2], reyn [reyn]= pound-force second/square inch [lbf s/in2]
- 1 cP = 10-3 Pa s = 0.01 P = = 0.01 g/(cm sec) = 6.721x10-4 lb/(ft s) = 2.4191 lb/(ft h) = 2.089x10 -5 lbf s/ft2
- 1 kg/(m s ) = 1 (N s)/m2= 1Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.6720 lb/(ft s) = 2419.1 lb/(ft h) = 0.02089 lbf s/ft2
- 1 lb/(ft h) = 0.000278 lb/(ft s) = 8.63x10-6 lbf s/ft2= 0.000413 Pa s = 0.004134 P = 0.4134 cP
- 1 lb/(ft s) = 3600 lb/(ft h) = 0.03108 lbf s/ft2= 1.4882 Pa s = 14.882 P = 1488.2 cP
- 1 lbf s/ft2= 32.17 lb/(ft s) = 115826 lb/(ft h)= 47.88 Pa s = 478.80 P = 47880.26 cP
- 1 lbf s/in2= 1 reyn = 144 lbf s/ft2= 6894.76 Pa s
- 1 (N s)/m2= 1 kg/(m s) = 1Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.6720 lb/(ft s) =0.02088 slug/(ft s) = 2419.1 lb/(ft h) = 0.02089 lbf s/ft2
- 1 P = 1 g/(cm s) = 0.1 Pa s = 100 cP = 0.06720 lb/(ft s) = 241.91lb/(ft h) = 0.002089 lbf s/ft2
- 1 Pa s = 1 kg/(m s) = 1 (N s)/m2= 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.6721 lb/(ft s) = 2419.1 lb/(ft h) = 0.02089 lbf s/ft2= 0.000145 reyn
- 1 reyn = 1 lbf s/in2= 144 lbf s/ft2= 6894.76 Pa s
- Dynamic, Absolute and Kinematic Viscosity - An introduction to dynamic, absolute and kinematic viscosity and how to convert between CentiStokes (cSt), CentiPoises (cP), Saybolt Universal Seconds (SSU) and degree Engler.
Viscosity Kinematic
centistoke [cSt] = square millimeter/second [mm2/s], square foot/hour [ft2/h], square foot/second [ft2/s], square inch/second [in2/s], square metre/hour [m2/h], square metre/second [m2/s], stoke [St] = square centimetre/second [cm2/s]
- 1 cm2/s = 1 St = 100 mm2/s = 100 cSt = 1x10-4 m2/s = 0.36 m2/h = 1.07639x10-3 ft2/s = 3.875008 ft2/h = 0.1550003 in2/s
- 1 cSt = 1 mm2/s = 0.01 St = 1x10-6 m2/s = 0.0036 m2/h = 1.07639x10 -5 ft2/s = 0.03875008 ft2/h = 0.001550003 in2/s
- 1 ft2/h = 2.7778x10-4 ft2/s = 0.04 in2/s = 2.58064x10 -5 m2/s = 0.09290304 m2/h = 25.8064 cS = 0.258064 St
- 1 ft2/s = 3600 ft2/h = 144 in2/s = 0.09290304 m2/s = 334.451 m2/h = 92903.04 cSt = 929.0304 St
- 1 in2/s = 0.0069444 ft2/s = 25 ft2/h = 0.00064516 m2/s = 2.322576 m2/h = 645.16 cSt = 6.4516 St
- 1 m2/h = 1/3600 m2/s = 2.7778x10-4 m2/s = 2.7778 cm2/s = 277.78 mm2/s = 277.78 cSt = 2.7778 St = 0.00298998 ft2/s = 10.7639 ft2/h = 0.430556 in2/s
- 1 m2/s = 3600 m2/h = 1x104 cm2/s = 1x104 St =1x106 mm2/s = 1x106 cSt = 10.7639 ft2/s = 38750.08 ft2/h = 1550003 in2/s
- 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt = 1x10-6 m2/s = 0.0036 m2/h = 0.01 cm2/s = 0.01 St = 1.07639x10 -5 ft2/s = 0.03875008 ft2/h = 0.001550003 in2/s
- 1 St = 1 cm2/s = 100 cSt = 100 mm2/s = 1x10-4 m2/s = 0.36 m2/h = 1.076x10-3 ft2/s = 3.875008 ft2/h = 0.1550003 in2/s
acre-foot [ac-ft], acre-inch [ac-in], barrel [bbl], bourbon barrel [bbl(bourbon)] = american standard barrel [ASB], barrel of oil [bo]=[bbl(oil)] board foot [board ft], bucket [bucket], bushel [bu], butt [butt], chaldron [chaldron], cord [cord], cubic centimetre [cm3 ] = milliliter [ml]=[mL], cubic decimetre [dm3 ] = liter [l]=[L], cubic foot [ft3 ], cubic inch [in3 ], cubic metre [m3 ], cubic mile [mi3 ], cubic yard [yd3 ], cup [c], dram=drachm [dr] = fluid dram [fl dr], fifth [fifth], fluid ounce [fl oz] = shot [shot], gallon [gal], gill [gi], hectoliter [hl]=[hL], hogshead [hhd], jigger [jigger], minim [min], peck [pk], pint [pt], quart [qt], spice measure [spice measure], tablespoon [Tbsp], teaspoon [tsp]
Abbreviations for areas of use: UK= United Kingdom = Imperical US= United States of America dry= dry volumes fed= federal liq= liquid volumes met= metric
- 1 ac-ft = 12 ac-in = 43560 ft3 = 1233.482 m3 = 1613.33 yd3 = 3.259x105 gal(US liquid) = 7758 bbl(US oil)
- 1 ac-in = 3630ft3 = 102.7901531m3 = 134.44yd3 = 27154.286 gal(US liquid)
- 1 ASB = 200 l = 1.6772 bbl(US liq) = 1.2580 bbl(US oil) = 1.2221 bbl(UK)
- 1 bbl(beer) =1 bbl(US fed) = 117.35 l = 31 gal(US liq)
- 1 bbl(bourbon) = 1 ASB = 200 l = 52.83 gal(US) = 44 gal(UK)
- 1 bbl(UK) = 163.659 l = 1.3725 barrel (US liq) = 1.4154 barrel (US dry) = 1.0294 bbl(US oil) = 1.395 bbl(US fed) = 4.5 bu(UK) = 4.6440 bu(US, dry) = 36 gal(UK)= 5.7796 ft3 = 0.16366 m3
- 1 bbl(US oil) = 158.987 l = 1.333 bbl (US liq) = 0.97145 bbl(UK) = 42 gal(US liq) = 34.97 gal(UK) = 5.61458 ft3 = 9702 in3
- 1 bbl(US dry) = 115.628 l = 0.9697 barrel (US liq) = 0.7273 bbl(US oil) = 0.7066 bbl(UK) = 3.28122 bu(US dry) = 4.0833 ft3 = 7056 in3 = 0.11563 m3 = 104.999 qt (US dry)
- 1 bbl(US liq) = 119.240 l = 1.03124 bbl(US dry) = 0.75 bbl(US oil) = 0.7286 bbl(UK) = 4.2109 ft3 = 7276.5 in3 = 0.11924 m3 = 26.22924 gal(UK) = 31.5 gal(US liq) = 3.3837 bu(US dry)
- 1 bbl(US fed) = 1 bbl(beer) = 117.35 l = 31 gal(US liq)
- 1 board ft = piece of lumber 1 ft x 1 ft x 1 in = 1/12 ft3 = 0.08333 ft3 = 144 in3 = 2359.74 cm3 = 2.3597 l
- 1 bucket (UK) = 4 gal(UK) = 16 qt(UK) = 32 pt(UK) = 4.8034 gal(US liq) = 4.1282 gal(US dry) = 0.6422 ft3 = 18.184 l = 0.018184.35 m3
- 1 bu = 1 bu(US dry)= 35.2391 l = 0.96894 bu(UK) = 0.30476 bbl (US dry) = 4 pk(US dry) = 8 gal(US dry) = 32 qt(US dry) = 64 pt (US dry) = 1.2445 ft3 = 2150.4 in3 = 0.04609 yd3 = 0.035239 m3
- 1 bu(UK) = 36.3687 l = 1.03206 bu(US dry) = 0.2222 bbl(UK) = 1.28435 ft3 = 2219 in3 = 8 gal(UK) = 32 qt(UK) = 64 pt(UK) = 0.036369 m3
- 1 bu(US dry)= 1 bu = 35.2391 l = 0.96894 bu(UK) = 0.30476 bbl (US dry) = 4 pk(US dry) = 8 gal(US dry) = 32 qt(US dry) = 64 pt (US dry) = 1.2445 ft3 = 2150.4 in3 = 0.04609 yd3 = 0.035239 m3
- 1 butt (UK liq) = 2 hhd = 108 gal(US dry) = 126 gal(US liq) = 4 bbl (US liq) = 13.5 bushel (US dry) = 16.80 ft3 = 0.47573 m3
- 1 c(US) = 1/16 gal(US) = 1/4 qt(US) = 1/2 pt(US) = 8 fl oz = 16 Tbsp = 48 tsp = 14.44 in3 = 236.6 cm3 = 0.2366 l
- 1 c(met) = 250 cm3 = 0.25 l = 15.26 in3
- 1 chaldron = 8 bbl(UK) = 36 bu(UK) = 144 pk(UK) = 288 gal(UK) = 1.30927 m3 = 1309.27 l = 46.2365 ft3 = 1.71247 yd3
- 1 cm3 = 1000 mm3 = 1 spice measure = 1/15 Tbsp = 0.06667 Tbsp = 0.2 tsp = 1x10-6 m3 = 0.001 l = 0.06102 in3 = 2.7496x10 -5 bu(UK) = 2.8378x10 -5 bu(US dry) = 3.5315x10 -5 ft3 = 0.06102 in3 = 1.308x10-6 yd3 = 0.28156 drachm (UK, liq) = 0.27051 dr(US liq) = 0.000220 gal(UK) = 0.000227 gal(US dry) = 0.000264 gal(US liq) = 0.007039 gi(UK)= 0.008454 gi(US liq) = 0.035195 fl oz(UK) = 0.033814 fl oz(US) = 0.00182 pt(US dry) = 0.00211 pt (US liq)
- 1 cord (firewood) = 4 ft x 8 ft x 4 ft = 128 ft3 = 8 cord ft (timber) = 3.6246 m3
- 1 cord ft (timber) = 0.125 cord (firewood) = 16 ft3 = 0.4531 m3
- 1 dm3 = 1 l = 10-3 m3 = 1000 cm3 = 1000 ml = 61.0237 in3 = 0.03532 ft3 = 1.308x10-3 yd3 = 0.2200 gal(UK) = 0.2642 gal(US liq) = 1.0567 qt(US liq) = 2.1134 pt(US liq)
- 1 fifth (US liq) = 1/5 gal(US) = 0.2 gal(US) = 0.8 qt(US liq) = 1.6 pt (US liq) = 25.6 fl oz(US) = 25.6 shot(US liq) = 17.067 jigger(US liq) = 0.75708 l = 46.2 in3
- 1 firkin(UK) = 1.20095 firkin(US dry) = 0.25 bbl(UK) = 1.125 bu(UK) = 9 gal(UK) = 10.81 gal(US) = 72 pt(UK)= 40.91481 l = 1.44489 ft3
- 1 fl dr(UK) = 0.96076 dr(US) = 60 min(UK) = 1/8 fl oz = 0.125 fl oz(UK) = 0.1201 fl oz(US) = 0.025 gi(UK) = 0.00625 pt(UK) = 3.5516 ml = 0.21673 in3
- 1 fl dr(US) = 1.0408 dr(UK) = 60 min(US) = 0.125 fl oz (US) = 0.1301 fl oz (UK) = 0.03125 gi(US liq) = 0.0078125 pt (US liq) = 3.6967 cm3 = 3.6967 ml = 0.225586 in3
- 1 fl oz(UK) = 0.96076 fl oz(US) = 1/20 pt(UK) = 0.05 pt(UK) = 1/5 gi(UK) = 0.2 gi(UK)= 8 dr(UK) = 480 min(UK) = 0.02841 l = 28.413 cm3 = 1.7339 in3
- 1 fl oz(US) = 1.0408 fl oz(UK) = 1/16 pt(US) = 0.0625 pt(US liq) = 1/4 gi(US) = 0.25 gi(US liq)= 2 Tbsp(US) = 6 tsp = 8 dr(US) = 480 min(US) = 0.02957 l = 29.574 cm3 =1.80469 in3
- 1 ft3 = 28316.8 cm3 = 28.317 l = 0.02832 m3 = 1727.9998 in3 = 0.037037 yd3 = 996.614 fl oz(UK) = 957.506 fl oz(US) = 49.8307 pt(UK) = 51.4281 pt(US dry) = 59.8442 pt(US liq) = 24.915 qt(UK) = 25.714 qt(US dry) = 29.922 qt(US liq)= 6.2288 gal(UK) = 7.4805 gal(US liq) = 6.4285 gal(US dry) = 2.296x10 -5 ac-ft = 12 board ft (timber) = 0.7786 bu(UK) = 0.8036 bu(US dry) = 0.00781 cord (firewood) = 0.0625 cord ft (timber)
- 1 gal(UK) = 4.5461 l = 1.0321 gal(US dry) = 1.2009 gal(US liq) = 1/8 bu(UK) = 0.125 bu(UK) = 0.5 pk(UK) = 4 qt(UK) = 8pt(UK) = 32 gi(UK) = 160 fl oz(UK) = 1280 fl dr(UK) = 4.5461x10-3 m3 = 0.1605 ft3 = 5.946x10-3 yd3
- 1 gal(US dry) = 4.4049 l = 0.9689gal(UK) = 1.1636 gal(US liq) = 1/8 bu(US) = 0.125 bu(US) = 0.5 pk(US) = 4 qt(US dry) = 8pt(US dry) = 32 gi(US dry) = 148.95 fl oz(US liq) = 1191.6 fl dr(US) = 4.4049x10-3 m3 = 0.1556 ft3 = 5.761x10-3 yd3
- 1 gal(US liq) = 3.7854 l = 0.8327 gal(UK) = 0.8594 gal(US dry) = 0.1074 bu(US dry) = 0.4297 pk(US dry) = 4 qt(US liq) = 8pt(US liq) = 16 c(US) = 32 gi(US liq) = 128 fl oz(US) = 1024 fl dr(US) = 3.7854x10-3 m3 = 0.1337 ft3 = 4.951x10-3 yd
- 1 gi(UK) = 0.14207 l = 1.2009 gi(US liq) = 1/8 qt(UK) = 0.125 qt(UK) = 1/4 pt(UK) = 5 fl oz(UK) = 40 fl dr(UK) = 2400 min(UK) = 8.6694 in3 = = 0.005017 ft3
- 1 gi(US liq) =0.1183 l = 0.8327 gi(UK) = 1/8 qt(US liq) = 0.125 qt(US liq) = 1/4 pt(US liq) = 4 fl oz(US) = 32 fl dr(US) = 1920 min(US) = 7.2188 in3 = 0.004178 ft3
- 1 hhd = 238.48 l = 2 bbl(US liq) = 63 gal(US liq) = 252 qt(US liq) = 0.2385 m3 = 8.42184 ft3 = 0.3119 yd3
- 1 hhd(UK) = 238.67 l = 1.00079 hhd = 52.5 gal(UK) = 1.4583 bbl(UK) = 210 qt(UK) = 420 pt(UK) = 0.2387 m3 = 8.4285 ft3 = 0.3122 yd3
- 1 hl = 100 l = 0.1 m3 = 1x105 cm3 = 6102.4 in3 = 3.5315 ft3 = 0.1308 yd3 = 2.7496 bu(UK) = 2.8378 bushel (US dry) = 26.417 gal(US liq) = 3381.4 fl oz(US) = 11.351 pk(US)
- 1 in3 = 0.000579 ft3 = 2.143x10-5 yd3 = 1.6387x10 -5 m3 = 1.639x10-2 l = 16.39 cm3 = 16390 mm3 = 4.614 fl dr(UK) = 4.4329 fl dr(US) = 0.5767 fl oz(UK) = 0.5541 fl oz(US) = 1.0925 tbsp(met)
- 1 jigger(US) = 1.5 fl oz(US) = 44.36 ml = 2.7070 in3
- 1 km3 = 109 m3 = 10 12 l =0.2399 mi3 = 1.308x109 yd3
- 1 l = 1 dm3 = 10-3 m3 = 1000 cm3 = 1000 ml = 61.0237 in3 = 0.03532 ft3 = 1.308x10-3 yd3 = 0.2200 gal(UK) = 0.2642 gal(US liq) = 1.0567 qt(US liq) = 2.1134 pt(US liq)
- 1 m3 = 1x10-9 km3 = 1000 l = 1000 dm3 = 35.315 ft3 = 1.30795 yd3 = 219.97 gal(UK) = 264.172 gal(US liq) = 61023.7 in3 = 4.1932 hhd = 113.51 pk(US)
- 1 mi3 = 4.1682 km3 = 4.17x10 12 l = 5.452x109 yd3
- 1 min(UK) = 0.9607 min(US) = 1/60 fl dr(UK) = 0.016667 fl dr(UK) = 1/480 fl oz(UK) = 0.0020833 fl oz(UK) = 0.05919 cm3
- 1 min(US) = 1.04084 min(UK) = = 1/60 fl dr(US) = 0.016667 fl dr(UK) = 1/480 fl oz(US) = 0.0020833 fl oz(US) = 0.06161 cm3
- 1 pk(UK) = 1.0321 pk(US) = 1/4 bu(UK) = 2 gal(UK) = 8 qt(UK) = 16 pt(UK) = 64 gi(UK) = 0.009092 m3 = 9.0922 l = 0.3211 ft3 =0.01189 yd3 = 554.73 in3
- 1 pk(US) = 0.9689 pk(UK) = 1/4 bu(US) = 2 gal(US dry) = 8 qt(US dry) = 16 pt(US dry) = 74.47 gi(US liq) = 0.008810 m3 =8.8098 l = 0.3111 ft3 =0.01152 yd3 = 537.61 in3
- 1 pt(UK) = 1.0321 pt(US dry) = 1.2009 pt(US liq) = 1/16 pk(UK) = 0.0625 pk(UK) = 1/8 gal(UK) = 0.125 gal(UK) = 0.5 qt(UK) = 4 gi(UK) = 20 fl oz(UK) = 0.5683 l = 0.02007 ft3 = 34.677 in3
- 1 pt(US dry) = 0.9689 pt(UK) = 1.1636 pt(US liq) = 1/16 pk(US) = 0.0625 pk(US) = 1/8 gal(US dry) = 0.125 gal(US dry) = 0.5 qt(US dry) = 4.6546 gi(US liq) = 18.618 fl oz(US) = 0.5506 l = 0.01944 ft3 = 33.6003 in3
- 1 pt(US liq) = 0.8327 pt(UK) = 0.8594 pt(US liq) = 0.05371 pk(US) = 1/8 gal(US liq) = 0.125 gal(US liq) = 0.5 qt(US liq) = 4.6546 gi(US liq) = 16 fl oz(US) = 0.4732 l = 0.01671 ft3 = 28.875 in 3
- 1 qt(UK) = 1.0321 qt(US dry) = 1.2009 qt(US liq) = 0.125 pk(UK) = 1/4 gal(UK) = 2 pt(UK) = 8 gi(UK) = 40 fl oz(UK) = 320 fl dr(UK) = 1.1365 l = 0.04014 ft3 = 69.3549 in3
- 1 qt(US dry) =0.9689 qt(UK) = 1.1636 qt(US liq) = 0.125 pk(US) = 1/4 gal(US dry) = 2 pt(US dry) = 9.309 gi(US liq) = 37.2367 fl oz(US) = 297.8937 fl dr(US) = 1.1012 l = 0.03889 ft3 = 67.2006 in3
- 1 qt(US liq) = 0.8327 qt(UK) = 0.8594 qt(US liq) = 0.1074 pk(US) = 1/4 gal(US liq) = 2 pt(US liq) = 8 gi(US liq) = 32 fl oz(US) = 256 fl dr(US) = 0.9464 l = 0.03342 ft3 = 57.75 in3
- 1 Tbsp(met) = 1.0144 Tbsp(US) = 3 tsp(met) = 15 cm3 = 0.9153 in3
- 1 Tbsp(US) = 0.9868 Tbsp(met) = 1/8 gi(US liq) = 0.125 gi(US liq) = 0.5 fl oz(US) = 3 tsp(US) = 4 fl dr(US) = 14.7868 cm3 = 0.9023 in3
- 1 tsp (met) = 1.0144 tsp(US) = 1/3 Tbsp(met) = 5 cm3 = 0.3051 in3
- 1 tsp(US) = 0.9858 tsp(met) = 1/3 Tbsp(US) = 1/6 fl oz(US) = 0.16667 fl oz(US) = 1 1 /3 fl dr(US) = 1.3333 fl dr(US) = 80 min(US) = 4.9289 cm3 = 0.3008 in3
- 1 yd3 = 27 ft3 = 4.6656x104 in3 = 0.7646 m3 = 764.6 l = 168.18 gal(UK) = 201.97 gal(US liq) = 1616 pt(US liq) = 807.9 qt(US liq)
Volume Flow
barrel/day [bbl/d], barrel of oil/day [bo/d]=[bbl(oil)/d], cubic centimetre/second [cm3 /s], cubic decimetre/hour [dm3 /h]=liter/hour [l/h], cubic decimetre/minute [dm3 /min]=liter/minute [l/min], cubic decimetre/second [dm3 /s]=liter/second [l/s], cubic foot/minute [ft3 /min]=[cfm], cubic foot/second [ft3 /s], cubic inch/second [in3 /s], cubic metre/hour [m3 /h], cubic inch/minute [in3 /min], cubic metre/second [m3 /s], cubic yard/hour [yd3 /h], cubic yard/minute [yd3 /min], gallon/day [gal/d], gallon/hour [gal/h], gallon/minute [gal/min], pint/second [pt/s], quart/second [qt/s]
Abbreviations for areas of use: UK= United Kingdom = Imperical US= United States of America dry= dry volumes liq= liquid volumes
- 1 bbl(US liq)/d = 119.24 l/d = 1.3801 cm3 /s = 0.75 bo/d = 31.5 gal(US liq)/d = 0.1754 ft3 /h = 5.0531 in3 /min
- 1 bo/d = 158.99 l/d = 0.006624 m3 /h = 1.8401 cm3 /s = 42 gal(US liq)/d = 5.61458 ft3 /d = 6.7375 in3 /min
- 1 cfm = 1 ft3 /min = 1728 in3 /min = 28.8 in3 /s = 0.03704 yd3 /min = 2.222 yd3 /h = 4.720x10-4 m3 /s = 1.699 m3 /h = 0.4719 l/s = 6.2288 gal(UK)/min = 7.4805 gal(US liq)/min = 0.9974 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 cm3 /s = 1x10-6 m3 /s = 3.6 l/h = 3.6614 in3 /min = 0.9510 gal(US liq)/h = 0.724 bbl(US liq)/d = 0.00211 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 dm3 /h = 1 l/h = 2.7778x10 -7 m3 /s = 0.27778 cm3 /s = 9.810x10-6 ft3 /s = 1.0171 in3 /min = 0.2013 bbl(US liq)/d = 0.2642 gal(US liq)/h
- 1 dm3/min = 1 l/min = 1.6667x10 -5 m3 /s = 60000 cm3 /h = 1.017 in3 /s = 5.886x10-4 ft3 /s = 15.85 gal(US liq)/h = 12.076 bbl(US liq)/d
- 1 dm3 /s = 1 l/s = 60 l/min = 3600 l/h = 0.001 m3 /s = 3.6 m3 /h = 1000 cm3 /s = 0.03532 ft3 /s = 2.1189 ft3 /min = 61.024 in3/s = 13.198 gal(UK)/min = 15.850 gal(US liq)/min = 792 gal(UK)/h
- 1 ft3 /min = 1 cfm = 1728 in3 /min = 28.8 in3 /s = 0.03704 yd3 /min = 2.222 yd3 /h = 4.720x10-4 m3 /s = 1.699 m3 /h = 0.4719 l/s = 6.2288 gal(UK)/min = 7.4805 gal(US liq)/min = 0.9974 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 ft3 /s = 60 ft3 /min = 2.2222 yd3 /min = 1.037x105 in3 /min = 0.0283168 m3 /s = 101.94 m3 /h = 28.3168 l/s = 373.73 gal(UK)/min = 448.83 gal(US)/min = 59.8442 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 gal(US liq)/d = = 0.8327 gal(UK)/d = 0.03175 bbl(US liq)/d = 9.259x10 -5 pt(US liq)/s = 4.3813x10-8 m3/s = 2.6288 cm3 /min = 0.1604 in3 /min
- 1 gal(US liq)/h = 0.8327 gal(UK)/h = 1.0515x10-6 m3 /s = 0.003785 m3 /h = 0.001051 l/s = 3.713x10 -5 ft3 /s = 0.002228 ft3 /min = 3.85 in3 /min = 0.002222 pt(US liq)/s = 0.0009549 qt(US dry)/s
- 1 gal(UK)/h =1.2009 gal(US liq) = 1.263x10-6 m3 /s = 4.459x10 -5 ft3 /s = 0.002676 ft3 /min = 4.624 in3 /min
- 1 gal(US liq)/min = 0.8327 gal(UK)/min = 6.3090x10 -5 m3 /s = 0.2271 m3 /h = 0.06309 l/s =2.228x10-3 ft3 /s = 0.1337 ft3 /min = 1.201 gal (US)/min
- 1 in3/min = 0.03472 ft3 /h = 2.143x10 -5 yd3 /min = 0.2731 cm3 /s = 9.832x10-4 m3/h = 2.731x10-4 l/s = 0.2162 gal(UK)/h = 0.2597 gal(US)/min = 5.772x10-4 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 in3 /s = 60 in3 /min = 0.03472 ft3 /min = 0.07716 yd3 /h = 16.3871 cm3 /s = 58.993 l/h = 1.639x10-5 m3 /s = 0.2597 gal(US liq)/min
- 1 l/h = 1 dm3 /h = 2.7778x10 -7 m3 /s = 0.27778 cm3 /s = 9.810x10-6 ft3 /s = 1.0171 in3 /min = 0.2013 bbl(US liq)/d = 0.2642 gal(US liq)/h
- 1 l/min = 1dm3/min = 1.6667x10 -5 m3 /s = 60000 cm3 /h = 1.017 in3 /s = 5.886x10-4 ft3 /s = 15.85 gal(US liq)/h = 12.076 bbl(US liq)/d
- 1 l/s = 1 dm3 /s = 60 l/min = 3600 l/h = 0.001 m3 /s = 3.6 m3 /h = 1000 cm3 /s = 0.03532 ft3 /s = 2.1189 ft3 /min = 61.024 in3/s = 13.198 gal(UK)/min = 15.850 gal(US liq)/min = 792 gal(UK)/h
- 1 m3 /h = 2.7778x10-4 m3 /s = 1000 l/h = 16.667 l/min = 0.27778 l/s = 277.78 cm3 /s = 9.810x10-3 ft3 /s = 0.5886 ft3 /min = 3.666 gal (UK)/min = 4.403 gal(US liq)/min = 0.5871 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 m3 /s = 3600 m3 /h = 1000 l/s = 35.32 ft3 /s = 2118.9 ft3 /min = 13198 gal(UK)/min = 15850 gal(US liq)/min = 791891 gal(UK)/h = 908.08 qt(US dry)/s
- 1 pt(US liq)/s = 7.5 gal(US liq)/min = 0.4296 qt(US dry)/s =4.732x10-4 m3/s = 473.18 cm3 /s = 1703.4 l/h = 28.875 in3 /s
- 1 qt(US dry)/s = 2.327 pt(US liq)/s = 17.455 gal(US liq)/min = 1.101 l/s = 0.03889 ft3 /s = 5.1852 yd3 /h = 67.20 in3 /s
- 1 yd3 /h = 0.45 ft3 /min = 12.96 in3 /s = 0.0002124 m3 /s = 764.55 l/h = 212.4 cm3 /s = 153.88 bbl(US liq)/d = 3.366 gal(US liq)/min = 0.4488 pt(US liq)/s
- 1 yd3 /min = 27 ft3 /min = 777.6 in3 /s = 0.01274 m3 /s = 45873 l/h = 12742 cm3 /s = 7688 bbl(US liq)/d = 9233 gal(US liq)/min = 26.9299 pt(US liq)/s
Volume per unit length
- 1 gal(US)/ft = 12.4 liter/m
Weight - see Mass
- Check Density, Specific Weight and Specific Gravity - An introduction and definition of density, specific weight and specific gravity. Formulas with examples.