The Kilgore News Herald from Kilgore, Texas (2025)

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The Kilgore News Heraldi

Kilgore, Texas

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fCilg6re News Herald Kilgore Texas FR1DW MPT 17 1051 NEWS HERALD WANT ADS COST ONLY 37k PER DAY! PHONE 2595 85 LOANS 110-HOUSES FOR SALE Merchandise CROSSWORD By Eugene Sbejjer yesterday's puzzle HORIZONTAL 1 Russian cabin Antitoxin 9 South Americi (abbr) 11 rich earth 12 discharged obligation 13 male offspring 14 erudition 15 one of Jason men 17 scoffing 19 Ireland 20 sped 21 Persia 23 smallest 28 sluggishness 29 linen vestment 30 32 sea eagle 33 sculptors 35 nowadays 37 auditory organs 38 corded fabric 39 macaws 41 ctrcum- stantial secure 43 gaseous element 49 high in music 50 clamping device 51 give out 52 note in scale 53 performs 54 small valley VERTICAL 1 afflictions Answer to ltS-thr bfdrNni tv bathe den With all the extra 23 acre WiU trade 817500 Threa hedraam brick bath Bahli part af town 118 Three bedrooms dm ear raraca all the extras la Broadtaeer-Consider trade U0OThree bedreoa brick North St -t'bedreems new ks' Carrie FHA laa of $uo0 Located Steae Read ATTRACTIVE and eamfertable 4 bedroom in Meadowbrook JOE JOHN SHORT REALTOR Phone 8734 Rea 8745 THREE-BEDROOM red brick 1 bath drapes In living and dining room" Double garage 100x200 Cyclone fenced lot Btooft Road 812 000 Phone 4313 (lev Homes Just Completed 403 LAYTON 3-Bedrodm A 25 Year Loan 500 TURNER 2-Bedroom FH A Attached Garage Plenty of tree 502 TURNER 2-Bedroom A Beautiful Shaded Lot SEE BOETTCHER LUMBER CO PHONE 2561 LARGE two-bedroom home with plenty cloaet apace Automatic washer connection! Cyclone fenced yard Phone 5577 FOR SALE OR RENT At Leveretta Chapel 5-room modern house attic fan good garage two chicken house and two out buildings For information call 338 Price Texas A Adcock WANT TO LEASE WANT TO LEASE 5 'to 6 hundred acres of good with good fence JPienty water and a house on It 8ee Ed Green Ed Green Furniture Co KUgore Alcoholism Result Of Chemical Mixup Reports SpeciaHsI By DAVE MASON LONDON A leading British specialist on alcoholism says the man who boozes to excess is suffering from a condition of 4ns blood that can be treated cherrneally and only Writing in the current issue of Medical World a journal for general practitioners Dr Dent described alcoholism as a blood disease similar to He said a chemical substance called -apor-morphinez -is safe and highly effective if properly administered Dent is editor of the Journal of Addiction Family doctors the expert advised should explain to the alcoholic that his addiction not a moral lapse nor due to lack of will many ways it is similar to diabetes But no one tells the diabetic to his socks and stop passing sugar in his urine or scoffs at him if he prefers his tea unsweetened must explain that he has taken drink as a medicine to treat a disease temporarily and that apomorphme treats this condition permanently and unless he drinks again he will need no further Reulhsr Suspends 6 Union Officials NEW YORK A directive by CJO President Walter Reuther has resulted in the suspension of six union officials following testimony in a state probe of union welfare funds Reuther yesterday ordered remedial against a half dozen top officers of the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWD) adding that the CIO and will not tol- erate crooks or Communists in the i labor Carrying out his order Max Greenberg international pres- indA uiccnuc imuiiduuimi ident of the appointed ad- Tnimstrirtors to audit the books of the five locals involved The six men had admitted to Avciaxe time of solution: 25 mlnuL 48 made Distributed by Kin Futures Syndicate CRYFTOqCIPS CKUVN GAUCNTGC KEO CHIGNUIGC EGKM KTHBM UV JLBfcji Cryptoquip: QUAINT EQUIPACESJ CAN'T BS COMPARED TO MODERN GAS BUGGIES 47 feminlni name Announcements JUJAQfjUMEMTS MONUMENTS Iny design er yrlc that you may want LEROY RADER adr Punsral Horn Dial 2S2S FRATERNAL Danville Lodge No 101 A A Thursday 23 at 7 pm School ot Instruction JOJK COLLINS PAUL LANDERS 8J Kilgor Chapter 630 ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Regular stated meeting and Initiation Friday September 17 at 8 gt Visitors welcome BONNIE CRUNK MELBA BROCK Secretary -SPECIAL NOTICES Kilgore Transfer And Storage Local A Long Distant Moving BONDED -INSURED Phono 2211 Night 5680 slcehol la Htlm aroble I ri til yea aanettly want Crtnv toe and ore ta let Mine wae Bara Bad this prebleaa oxpUte their vay eat write ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Box 12B Phon 3 VISIT YOUR new See Knox's for butane butane gas systems butane earburatlon lurniture cook stoves We also loan money for any worthwhile pur pose Knox phone 5621 FrRc-Swanson Rd FOR RENT VACUUM SYEEPERS FLOOR POLISHERS V4 or full day McWilliams OUTAIIE GO TEXAS DAY AND NIGHT SERVIC1 PHONE 7277 NIGHT 4W NEW simple Christmas cards stationery mono rammed napKIns assorted cards Mrs Williams call 149 evenings BtPTIC TANKS cleaned Modern equipment fully Insured Klselck 294 So Cniamerne St Phone 4067 oe 4707 Every day la a Bargain Day In The Kilgore News Herald Want Ad Columns Phone 2595 Business Directory MOVING Alf Oufif-Sfaf atei aro not the tame 1 GET OUR ESTIMATE Long Distance Locals Storage Packing Crating BONDED AND INSURED VELVIN Transfer Storage Inc Dial 3481 Anytime Automotive 10-PASSENGER CARS CHEVROLET SPECIAL FOR TODAY 1951 GJAC 12-Tdn Pick-Up Ha radio naattP Dlyxe cab Good tirs V- $565 SPECIAL 1953 MERCURY HARD TOP SPORT COUPE Equipped with radio heater scat ear era overdrive white tires and other extras Nice local low mileage car SEE IT NOW! HERBERT CASHEN MOTORS Lincoln Mrcury 221 North Phono 2555 FOR 1946 FORD X' ton pickup Excellent condition 8295 Phone 4971 BIG CHIEF SPECIAL 1953 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN Delux 8 4-Door Sdan A real nice ear Excellent eondltien in every way All factory installed extra djrite 31545 Torrli Pontiac Co 428 Longview St Phono 2024 13 canonized 16 close 18 preferably 22 paused 23 varnish ingredient 21 note In Guido' scale 25 side by side and equally advanced 26 those in office 27 masculln name 28 some 31 poisonous metallic element 34s huge unclosed 38 lies at anchor 39 remotely 40 harsh respiratory sound i 42 waistcoat 43 thread: comb form 44 wind raally 45 galfted (her) 2 shortly 3 nude 4 Moham medan prince 5 it capital is Madrid 6 win through effort 7 part of a ship 8 commotion 9 acid 10 poker stake i 9 (7 Anii-Segregalion i Sland Taken At Church Session KERRVILLE Tex The Tex as Synod of the Presbyterian Church in the United States meet- mg here Thursday concurred that? enforced segregation of the traced is discrimination which is out harmony with Christian theology and ethics The synod called on the trustee1 of each pf its institutions to studyj their policies of admission stu dents bring their practice into line without already existing? The synod affirmed that neither? the Confession of Faith nor lher Book of Churth Order of church both of which are basi on the Holy Scriptures recognize any discrimination on the basis of race A budget of $1009414 was adopt ed for distribution among the- 37(9 churches which are members of the synod 7 The creation of a Presbyterian? child care center through amalga mation of the Presbyterian Hom and School at Itasca and the chile placement agency in Dallas wa approved 4 An enlarged program for reli gious growth at Austin College irt Sherman was approved Representing Kilgore wefe the Rev Dr Guthrie and Crim other daughter Lisa by fief marriage to director- Vincents Mmelli DAY iner 'A size 21-TRUCKS AND TRAILERS n4 equipment Three nulea on Old Uxadewater Hwy Mrs Joe Barnett Ht 1 Box 354 Kilgore AUTOMOT I VE PARTS SERVICE WE WILL IS Check tnd adjust aO brakes tS Check steerinj wheel tS Inspect windshield wipers and motore Check horns Check rear ylew mirror Inspect steering and Mag Inspect springs and shocks 4 Check tires' Check exhaust system Line op headlights Check tan and stop lights Check an glass DRIVE IN NOW! 'it Mir 1M 'ttfA'i Oft JOSSfl YOUfIG AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 504 Main Phon 2007 -loWr- jnK vi Suffering a a result of constantly 0" Alinement fldvirtlwd In th i lirffiMimKI If-mUKH riHggl HARMON Humble Service 1207 Kilgore Phon 4512 Employment 30-MALE HELP WANTED WANTED meat salesman to take over route truck Must be neat dependable Apply in person Joe's Kilgore Food Locker WANTED experienced butcher Good working -condition Apply in person Joe Kilgore Food Lockers 31-FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESSES Must be experienced end neat appearing No others need apply Apply In person to Dlliys Cate 50 MISC LLAN OUS FOR SALE USED REFRIGERATORS USED RANGES WASHING MACHINES Th Immw n4 Mil itMk I toil 1 Ito Inal prices Cam la too lb ban ahat Ja an 4 ADAMS HOLT Phono 3221 CLARINET 30 Sliding trombone 35 Saxaphon 230 Antique clo-k 15 Saddle 35 Hendon Auto Overton TRUCKS INDUSTRIAL MOTORS complete Butane Carburetlon inatallatlon Martin Butane Co Ben Cagle Bv Mir Pbone 7277 LARGE BLOND Maple Kroll baby bed Excellent condition Two plastic teething falls Springs lowers five positions Six large pastel balls water proof mattrrsa 230 Ladles 18 white and yellow gold engagement ring 30 Box 482 Kilgore All-Aluminum Ventilated Hot Air Escapes Beauitful Awnings Door Hoods VKVnT1" Alt Season Protection Ceol Air circulates Install Inta Beam 314-95 2nd up EAST TEXAS PAINT GLASS 310 Kilgor Phon 2713 Attention Property Owners When it rains It Pours through thos leaky roof DON'T Let this happen to you! CALL SLADE ROOF SERVICE Free Estimates 1118 N' Longview St Phone 3414 ALLSTATE motor scooter In A-I condition Phone 3318 or eee at COO Bean SPECIALS AT STORES DISCOUNT a complete lino of new On Movie Camera and Movie Projectors Terms Cash HALL DRUG CO OVERTON FURNITURE STUDIO COUCH with matching chair Good condition $29 Phone 5409 Inquire Burns Grocery Hughey Community S7 MUSICAL GOODS PIANO BARGAIN IN THIS VICINITY If not sold immediately will rent to reliable party who is contemplating buying in the near futura Later if you decide to all rental may be applied to purchase For full details contact Werlein's 311 Texas Street Shreveport La 60 SPORTING GOODS WOOD AND MEDAL boats all kinds motor and trailer! Carr Bales 1211 Kilgora Pbona 2249 NICE 14 ft Cyprexa fishing boat and trailer S125 See at corner Commerce ami Danville 63-BUILDING MATERIALS No Down Payment 3 Years To Pay Asbestos Siding $13 75 1x6 Yellow Pine Centermstch KSMH) 1x8 fir Center-match and Shtplap 87 00 2 1 it lb sq Butt Shingles 8656 Ixl Flooring 815 lxl 3 Spruce Paneling 815 60 He have Peg-board POWELL LMBR CO Overton Texas PLAN TO Let us help you redesign- model and redecorate your home business offer a complete service financing Hanks Lumber Co- Henderson Hwy' Phono 3069 Livestock Supplies Financial 80-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT opportunity pymg -rhvtdendr limited offer" Small Tn vectors Invited Catl 2609 LOANS NEED MONEY QUICKLY? Make All Types of Loans PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO II? Kilgor Phone 2715 LOANS GET THE BIG 3 EXTRA COST" ONLY AT Year life Insured for amount 'free of extra cost! Prompt "Tc Loan fitted to your need and In LOANS 85 to $9A0 OR MORE phone for in visit lonni on signature furniture or ear Write orseome la today KNOX'S FINANCE CO Phone Intersection FrUx-Snanson Rd A Tyler Hwy Wildcatting in deep East Texas was pushed ahead Thursday with a new exploration marked up for the southeast corner of Grrgg County The project a LOOOfout hole which would test the Pettit and possibly into the toD of the Tiavis Peak is to be drilled by Drilling Company Kilgore mile west of Easton tuwnsde Operation is Jto be No 1 Alex Bradley 6000 from the north (Sabine River) Jine and 1300 from the east line of the Jsaac Lee survey Site falls Some 9600 feet southeast of Ace Oil Company and John Robbins No 1 Grissom a Travis Peak fa'urn drlled last February A failure has been drilled In the WiUcw Spring Gas Field in North Gregg at Febenthal No 1 Sam McFarland un A Jordan ruivey northeast of Longview It faded to find pay in going to 7036 fect Harrison County Warren Petroleum Corporation Tulsa is reported io haxe taken (ease on 11? acres northwest of Hallsville on the re nth of tnc North Lansing Gas Field under obligation to drill a well Acreage is in the Smith and White surveys and a bonus of $25 an acre was paid Southwest of Marshall ten miles and southeast of the South Hallsville gas area Clark Sample No 1 Mathews George Martin survev is reported headed for abandonment following noncommercial test in the Travis Peak above 7250 feet It is an old well originally drilled by Sells Petroleum The Waskom area in East Harrison is marked down for two more tests On the north side and nearly five miles southeast of Scottsville Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Company Shreveport staked No 1 Faust as a 6700-foot test on a 215-acre tract Site is 2150 from the northeast and 4850 from the southeast lines of the Patrick Daugherty survey On the west side of the field west of Waskom townsite Orr Longview posted No 1 Smith-Lindsey as a 6250-foot job Location falls 467 from the north and west lines of a 74 66-acre tract in the Brookfield survey i Panola County Sam Sklar Shreveport has posted a new test -for the Panola (Bethany) pool area north of the Bethany townsite The No 3 Boggy Creek Baptist Church is 330 from the south and 375 from the west lines a 132 22-acre tract in the Womack survey Permit is for 2650 feet -j Rusk County Looking more like an oil discovery is Magnolia Petroleum No 1 Don Langston Joseph Englisn survey seven miles east of Mount Enterprise Following 500-gallon acid treatment at 7190-210 in the Travis Peak the well kicked off to flow seven barels of oil in nine hours through various chokes Gasoil was measured at 28750 to 1 on a gas volume of about 200000 feet per day Anderson County wo cmnpictions Srr reported Tor the south side of the Neches Field Sun Oil No 9 Lela Boyling Harrison survey gauged 12934 barrels per day through quarter-inch choke from 4579-85 in the sub-Clarksville with gas-oil ratio 311 to 1 Texas Company No 2 Verna Martin JH Scaggs survey was good for 11941 barrels daily through 1064-inch choke from 4-652-59 in the Woodbine Kaufman County Thomas Humphrey Sons Dallas are to make another try for Woodbine sand pay in the area northeast of the Ham Gossett Field where the partnership has done prior drilling Latest venture is to be No I Ed Legg a 4200-foot operation spotted 3400 from the north and 5300 from the west lines bf Timothy Devore survey Site also is lound 1230 from the south and 1700 from the east lines of a 1614 aero tract It is figured some two miles northeast of production Plugging orders have been given for a rank wildcat in Northwest Kaufman about a mile southeast ot Forney Hunt No 1 Sowell A Hyer survey was quit at 5012 with no information released yet On geological findings Frton County McLelland Fort Worth has filed to drill a test in the shallow Reiter Field north of Wortham It would be No 1 McLelland fee found in the south corner of a 60-acre lease in the William Ritchie survey hjc AjnniOf water show After ot I Hi aT 'thC'Te mouth was tied Wetherby grabbed it under the ehm and twisted The alligator did a somersault landed on its belly and began lashing out with its long tail Forsaking dig nity the governor jumped And he leaped again when the critter let fly with a second swing That ended the performance The governor decided rathef drive an ostrich He did that last year at the fair FOR SCHOOL AND PALL EXPENSES AND UP Jackson Finance Co Lahaie Mgr 207 Sout St Ph 2242 Rentals FURNISHED ROOMS NICE bedroom in private home All conveniences Reasonable rates bl4 Berkley phone 5767 KCL-TEX On Henderson Boyle-j vard Air conditioned room $4 00 per day for one or tvo persons REAL NICE furnished rooms private en trance tnnersprinc traitresses Close in Day Apartmenu phone 4113 500 Knowles BEDROOM private entrance private bath large closet Phone 2495 2101 Broadway 94-APARTMENTS FURNISHED TWO POUR ROOM lurnhhfd epartmrnt close In Bills paid 301 Sabine St Phone 3019 3 and 4 room furnished or unfurnuhe apartment 2 bedrooms hardwood floor Venetian blinds Phone 2671L- THREE-ROOM apartment 608 East Bouth Street Adults only Call 3774 NICEL7 FURNISHED apartments located close In Oood neighborhood Day Apartments Phone 4113 FURNISHED OARAGE apartment Small unfurnished 5-room house Eighth house on right past Ceramic Plant Longview Hwy Phone 7232 A FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished duplex apartments 501 Spear Street and 704 Corrigan Street Bee Milton Dupree 1308 8 Martin St phone 4179 FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment carport Adults only Call 2321 until 5 3814 after 5 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED FIVE-ROOM unfurntihed duplex Private bath Highland Park Adda Phone 2189 FOUR-ROOM and 3-room private bath Hardwood floors Venetian blinds Bill paid 825 jnd 835 per month Also one furnished house 1216 Andrews tiled kitchen attic ventilation Large yard Bills paid Call 3893 HOUSES FURNISHED FOR RENT (ft? Lrak St furnished lieune 3-rooms Closed-in baek porch Shower bath Frigidaire Inlaid lineoium In kitchen and bath room Call 3955 THREE-ROOM furnished house 807 Kilgore Two-room houses 805 N-KUore-Three-room house 507 Spear Street Phone 42677 HOUSES UNFURNISHED POUR-ROOM one four room duplex Pbona 2520 or 4352 Venetian blinds hardwood floors attic fan attached garage Good neighborhood Phone 3734 or 2745 UNFURNISHED two-bedroom house at 1233 North St Phone Marvin Parks 3966 Real Estate 110 HOUSES JFOR SALE FHA BUILT two-bedroom modem home Attic fan aluminum awnings cyclone fenced New Longview Hay phone 3017 MEADOWBROOK Large excellent 3-bedroom modern borne Yery alee shady lot 8950 BEAN Excellent large 2-bedroom modern home Large lot Worth $8500 Sacrifice £5906 Will carry largo loan HOTEL FURNISHED $2850 GOFORTH Very alee 2 -bod room modern home 2 acre land 82950 CLOSE Large 3-bedroom modern double wall home Very nice 33950 TWO-BEDROOM modern homo with furniture Nice loL 82650 NEWLY DECORATED 2-bedroom modern borne 84750 DUDLEY New 2-bedroom modern home 84800 TVtO-BFDROOM modern homo large lot 82550 LARGE 2 room modern donbte wall house and bath To be moved $750 FIVE-ROOM home on leased lot $2250-WE HAVE MANY MORE MODERN HOMES FOR SALE WE ALSO HAVP MANY CALL DAILY FROM PEOPLE WANTING TO BIY SMALL HOISES ON LEASED LOTS DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR BELL! LET IS SERVE YOU BETTER! feARL GORDON REAL ESTATE Crtm Building Office 2553 Phonee Rot LOVELY 2-BEDROOM HOME Large beautiful kitchen ventral-beating system attic fan living room and dining room carpeted Large closets utility room washer connections Insulated copper pipe throughout Shown by appointment Phone 4-448 FOR SALE BY practically pen five-room borne located oo lovely shaded lot with fenced back yard All extras attached garage 630 Carlisle Drive Phone 4444 OAKCREST 2-bed room brick and dea Carped from wall tw wall central heating $15000 TWO-BEDKOOM attached to garage 2 acre lot Laird Acrea 8G500 ME ADOW two bedroom and den Carpet from wall to wall Two complete baths LAKE HOUSE on open water boat RICHARDS New 8-roem home 5900 LAIRD ACRF8 New 1-bedroom den 8 complete tile baths central beating carpet from wall to wall Partly air eonditloned BRICK Businesa building with living quarters REAL ESTATE 1st nino ra tu bus is TWO-BEDROOM Wovm In Huraol Pu-ductnm Came Laird Hill phow 6040 HOUSE FOR BALE or rent located at 807 Monro Call 3866 dan or 2463 after 3 pm FOR BALE OR Six-room home Ray hratlne venrtlan blinds lars lot Rbone 3134 btfore 4 am Indonesia Leader Takes Wife No 2 Women Are Furious JAKARTA Indonesia President Soekarno a good Moslem whose religion allows him four wives has taken his second Wife No 1 and the young feminists are furious Sources at the presidential pab ace said the 54 year-old president a pioneer leader of the Indonesian revolution had married a Hartim a divorcee and mother of five children in a Moslem ceremony last June Mrs Kartowijoni chairman of the organization Perwari said beautiful 29-year-old first 'wife Fatmawati had not agreed to her second marriage and is ready to seek a divorce Fatmawati and the president have four children Mrs Kartowijoni whose organization has been campaigning against polygamy among Indonesia's 78 million people said example the hearts of organization members striving for justice for married The feminist leader summoned clubs to a protest meeting Judy Garland Expecting Child HOLLYWOOD Actress Judy Garland and producer Sid Luft expect their second child in April her studio said yesterday W'ed 1952 they have a daughter Lorna Miss Garland haj an- A state investigators they used welfare funds to provide themselves with high salaries and expense accounts lavish vacations automobiles and TithefspociaP benefits: iGovrLaw'rence Wetherby a lesson: easier to wrestle with politics than reptiles' -The governor was attending the Kentucky State Fair yesterday when he was invited to go one round with the 20-year-old 8 foot 175-pound critter a feature of the Is Downright tower Brownsville attorney Thurs day was found preentty insane and unable to stand trial on a murder charge against him Hightower was charged' with murder in the fatal shooting of his neighbor JTW Worthington a retired colonel Worthington was shot outside his home June 17 1953 during a wedding reception for his daughter casJCwas transferred here Cope 1954 Kwg Feature Svndtcife lx orU tights frvirvYd like the way you're running this department Foley.

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The Kilgore News Herald from Kilgore, Texas (2025)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Views: 6236

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.