Dcf Training Number (2025)

1. DCF Training - Florida Department of Children and Families

  • Training and Credentialing · Mandated Reporter · My FL Learn

  • DCF Training

2. Child Care Contacts | Florida DCF

  • For more information, please contact the Child Care Training Information Center. Call toll-free 1-888-352-2842.

  • Apply for Benefits

3. Contact Us | Florida DCF

4. For Child Care Providers and Staff | Florida DCF

  • Child Care Contacts · Forms and Applications · Laws and Requirements

  • Apply for Benefits

5. Education & Training - 4C Florida

  • Missing: number | Show results with:number

  • Community Coordinated Care for Children, Inc. (4C) is the Training Coordinating Agency (TCA) for Circuits 9 & 18 for the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). Education provides state-mandated trainings to child care providers in Brevard, Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties.


  • Child Care Training Dept – Room 6219. 11011 SW 104th Street. Miami, FL 33176. Fax (305) 237-0641, E-mail: sore1@mdc.edu. LC927. CIRCUIT 4 – Baker, Clay, Duval ...

7. Child Care | Florida DCF

  • Child Care Contacts · For Child Care Providers and... · For Families

  • Child Care

8. DCF Office of Training and Professional Development - NJ.gov

  • Missing: number | Show results with:number

  • OTPD

9. Child Care Licensing Training | Department for Children and Families

  • If you have questions about the requirements, contact the Licensor on Duty at 800-649-2642 (option 3) or ahs.dcfcddchildcarelicensing@vermont.gov. If you have ...

  • Refer to the relevant regulations and positions to determine whether orientation training is required and the number of training hours required annually.

10. Academy for Workforce Development - CT.gov

  • Currently, the Academy offers an eight (8) day training program for the DCF's newly assigned investigators. Strategies are given for investigative interviewing, ...

  • Academy for Workforce Development

Dcf Training Number (2025)


How many hours is DCF training in Florida? ›

All of the 40-hour required training must be completed one year from the date the training began. Child care personnel must pass competency exams for the 40 hours of training to demonstrate their competency or receive an educational exemption.

How long is the DCF exam in Florida? ›

About the Exams

Exams are multiple choice and are available in English or Spanish. You will take a different exam for each course, and you can take more than one exam per day. You will be given 45 minutes for each exam.

How many years should I use for DCF? ›

The 3-statement models that support a DCF are usually annual models that forecast about 5-10 years into the future. However, when valuing businesses, we usually assume they are a going concern.

How many hours do you need to be a full specialist in Florida? ›

Florida requirements are as follows: Nail specialist – 180 school hours. Facial specialist – 220 school hours. Full specialist – 400 school hours (180 nail hours, plus 220 facial hours)

Do you need a license to babysit in your home in Florida? ›

Currently, Florida law requires that anyone who provides child care in their home for more than one unrelated family must be either registered or licensed through the Department of Children and Families.

How long does a DCF case stay open in Florida? ›

How long is an investigation? The investigation regarding your child must be completed within 60 days, except in cases when a child has died, is missing, or when law enforcement has an open criminal investigation.

How long is the child life certification exam? ›

Child Life Certification Exam

Individuals have four hours to complete 150 multiple-choice questions. Those who achieve a passing score become certified for a five-year period, after which time they must recertify. The exam is developed by a group of committees comprised of experts in child life.

How many hours is Florida Law Enforcement Academy? ›

Both full time and part-time programs deliver 844 hours of Basic Law Enforcement Training.

How many hours is the Florida parenting class? ›

The courses are a minimum of 4 hours and are designed to educate, train, and assist divorcing parents in regards to the impact of divorce on parents and children, as required by Chapter 61.21, F.S..

How many hours is Florida Corrections Academy? ›

The Corrections Academy is a disciplined, paramilitary program. Student academic learning during the 420 clock-hour program is conducted in air-conditioned classrooms. Physical fitness training is conducted in an air-conditioned gym or in an outside environment.

How many instructional hours are required in Florida? ›

Length of School Year and Days

In kindergarten, this requires 540 net instructional hours; in grades one through three, 720 net instructional hours; and in grades four through 12, 900 net instructional hours.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.