Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (2025)

Last updated on Aug 21, 2024 at 18:20by Mysticall11 comments

Choosing the right PvP and PvE talents is a prerequisite to proper performancein PvP. This guide goes through the various talent choices available to you asa Balance Druid and gives you the best combinations you can take.

This page is part of our Balance Druid PvP Guide.


Talent Choices for Balance Druids

Below is the best build you can run if your goal is to deal spreaddamage to the entire time:

While the above table provides a generally accurate overview of theviability of talents, some finer points are discussed in the sections thatfollow, and we recommend you read those for a deeper understanding.


Druid Talent Tree Highlights

Some important spells to note in the Druid talent tree:

  • Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (1) Nature's Vigil is one of the last talents you can take thatincreases all your single-target damage and will heal for a percentageof the damage you deal. This is a very strong cooldown that increases bothyour damage and survivability.
  • Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (2) Heart of the Wild is one of the final talents that can bechosen. As a Balance Druid, this gives you bonuses based on the otherDruid specializations. For example, you gain additional Stamina inBalance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (3) Bear Form and an additional charge ofBalance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (4) Frenzied Regeneration.


Balance Druid Talent Tree Highlights

Some important spells to note in the Balance Druid Talent tree:

  • Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (5) Incarnation: Chosen of Elune/Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (6) Elune's Guidance. Incarnationis your primary burst cooldown, and Elunes Guidance makes it evenstronger. The combination of these two talents will make your damagevery scary and will force cooldowns.
  • Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (7) Denizen of the Dream makes your Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (8) Moonfire andBalance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (9) Sunfire have a chance to summon a Dragon. This dragon willdeal nature damage to your targets.
  • Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (10) Nature's Balance gives you a passive way to generate AstralPower, which results in an increase in your sustained damage.
  • Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (11) Solstice is the best choice in this tier. Because you willbe entering Eclipses often, this is a significant increase to yoursustained damage and Astral Power generation.


PvP Talents for Balance Druids

You can choose 3 of the following PvP talents. Each ofthem has its uses, but some are better for certain strategies than others.The top three choices are the most useful but can be replaced with other PvPtalents, depending on your team's goal.


Mandatory PvP Talents

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (12) Moonkin Aura affects Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (13) Starsurge so that when you use it,your teammates have their spell Critical Strike chance increased. This isperfect for increasing your and your teammates' sustained damage.

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (14) Owlkin Adept makes it so Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (15) Owlkin Frenzy stacks to 2 times andreduces the cast time of your next Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (16) Cyclone or Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (17) Entangling Rootsby 50%. This is another great talent to have versus teams that willbe focusing on you, as the near-instant Cyclones will help with negating damage.


Situational PvP Talents

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (18) High Winds makes enemies do less damage once they leave yourBalance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (19) Cyclone. This should be used if you will not be the target for theenemy team or they have caster DPS on it.

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (20) Star Burst makes it so Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (21) Starfall summons stars that last15 seconds. Enemies that run into them will take damage and get knocked in theair. If an ally runs into them, they can pick up the star and run into enemies.This is a must-have talent if your goal is to deal spread pressure withspecializations like Elemental Shaman, Affliction Warlock,or Shadow Priest.

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (22) Dying Stars makes it so when your Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (23) Sunfire or Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (24) Moonfireget dispelled, the target will take increased damage. This is great if your DoTsconstantly keep getting dispelled or you are playing with another caster withDoT protection.

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (25) Thorns should be placed on you or a teammate, and any melee strikeswill deal Nature damage to the attacker. This will deal a large amount ofdamage if the melee DPS does not swap off of you. This should be used if theenemy team has 2 melee DPS on it.

Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (26) Celestial Guardian reduces spell damage you take and increaseshealing received while in Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (27) Bear Form. This talent is crucial versusteams with heavy spell damage. While enemy casters are using burst cooldowns,you can stay in Bear Form and drastically reduce the amount of spell damage youare taking.



  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 26 Jul. 2024: Updated Recommended Talents.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 23 Jun. 2024: Updated Recommended Talents.
  • 19 May 2024: Updated Recommended Talents.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
    • Updated Recommended Talents.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
    • Updated Recommended Talents.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5
  • 16 Jun. 2023: Several changes made.
    • Updated Single-target damage talent tree.
    • Added AoE-damage talent tree.
    • Updated PvP Talents.
  • 03 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.
    • Updated Recommended Talents.
    • Updated PvP Talents.
  • 21 Mar. 2023: Updated Talent Tree for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 30 Jan. 2023: Updated Talent Tree for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 12 Dec. 2022: Updated Recommended Talents.
    • Updated PvP Talents.
  • 22 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
  • 29 Sep. 2022: Updated Talent Table.
  • 01 Aug. 2022: Reviewed for Shadowlands Season 4.
  • 31 May 2022: Reviewed for Patch 9.2.5.
  • 01 Mar. 2022: Updated for Patch 9.2.
    • Updated Best PvP Talents.
  • 22 Nov. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.5.
  • 02 Jul. 2021: Updated PvP talents.
  • 08 Mar. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.0.5.
  • 14 Oct. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands pre-patch.

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Balance Druid PvP Talents and Builds — The War Within (11.0.2) (2025)


Is Balance Druid good in PvP? ›

Balance Druids are known for strong spread pressure and securing a kill with a strong burst of single-target pressure. However, this has changed significantly. Balance Druids do use DoTs, but they are now known for their strong single-target damage and can easily kill an enemy in a stun.

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Viability of DPS Balance Druids in WoW Classic PvE Content

Balance Druids are viable, but it will not be an easy time.

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Venthyr - Ravenous Frenzy

Ravenous Frenzy, which is the best all-around option for Balance Druid.

What is the hit rating cap for Balance Druid? ›

For an enemy of the same level as you, 4% Spell Hit is needed to cap. For an enemy 1 level higher than you, 5% Spell Hit is needed to cap. For an enemy 2 levels higher than you, 6% Spell Hit is needed to cap. For an enemy 3 levels higher than you, such as raid bosses, 17% Spell Hit is needed to cap.

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Night Elf is currently the highest simming out of any race, Horde or Alliance. Furthermore, Shadowmeld is really good for Mythic+ and is also very strong for Feral Druid. Kul'tiran also sims fairly well and may provide some additional utility through Haymaker.

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  • Use Convoke the Spirits. ...
  • Spend Astral Power on Starsurge if Starlord has less than 3 stacks, you have recently procced Balance of All Things, or you are about to cap Astral Power.
  • Cast New Moon and cycle to Half Moon / Full Moon. ...
  • Use Wild Mushroom. ...
  • Build Astral Power with Wrath.
  • Build Astral Power with Starfire.
Aug 27, 2024

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Best Balance Druid Gems

For meta gems, we recommend that you use Burning Shadowspirit Diamond as it will provide you with additional Intellect and increase the damage that your Critical Strike spells will deal.

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Best Overall Legendary for Balance Druid

Primordial Arcanic Pulsar. Primordial Arcanic Pulsar has incredible synergy with our new Tier Set Bonuses which we go into greater detail on the Gear page linked below. This Legendary will be crafted on the Ring slot and with Haste and Mastery as the chosen secondaries.

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Balance Druid Overview

It performs well on multiple target encounters and decently on single target fights but has other skill sets and a raid buff it brings to balance out some of its less viable encounter types. Balance Druids shine on multiple target fights due to their ability to multi-DoT and hit every target.

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Best Stats for Balance Druid

You'll want to prioritize pieces with higher intellect (item level is almost king). You still want to get pieces that are Mastery-heavy. As for Haste, Haste is second best offensive stat behind Mastery.

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Most Powerful Druid Build Summary
Ability Scores (In Order of Importance)Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength, Charisma
SpeciesVariant Human/Custom Lineage, Fairy, Loxodon, Earth Genasi, Firbolg
BackgroundFar Traveler, Folk Hero
SubclassCircle of Stars, Circle of the Moon
4 more rows

How good are balance Druids? ›

Balance Druid is a spec that is good for players that enjoy a builder spender gameplay with strong cooldowns. With it being a Druid, you also have access to a high amount of utility abilities that allow for many opportunities to succeed outside of dealing damage.

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Guardian druids are probably going to be one of the most toxic specs to fight in PvP. Can not be killed and are topping the leader boards in damage and healing.

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Feral Druid PvP Best Races and Racials (The War Within (11.0. 2))
  • The Night Elf racial bonus ( Shadowmeld) is always a strong choice. ...
  • The Tauren racial bonus ( War Stomp) provides an additional way to interrupt or setup crowd control on an enemy player.

Is PvP balanced in eso? ›

There's no balance, indeed. There's something close to it but not really.


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